When a symbol needs to be placed to a different target than the one
designated for the object file, the object file is expanded, which
includes the following steps:
1. Creating a new placement for the symbol's input section with the
specified target.
2. Excluding the object placement from the orignal target.
3. Creating a new intermediate placement for the object for the original
target, where its input sections are expanded, excluding the input
section for the symbol.
Let's illustrate the object expansion process with the following example:
text -> flash_text
rodata -> flash_rodata
text -> iram0_text
rodata -> dram0_data
archive: libsoc.a
gpio_periph: GPIO_HOLD_MASK (noflash)
gpio_periph section headers:
[Nr] Name Type Addr Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al
[ 0] NULL 00000000 000000 000000 00 0 0 0
[ 1] .text PROGBITS 00000000 000034 000000 00 AX 0 0 2
[ 2] .data PROGBITS 00000000 000034 000000 00 WA 0 0 1
[ 3] .bss NOBITS 00000000 000034 000000 00 WA 0 0 1
[ 4] .rodata.GPIO_HOLD_MASK PROGBITS 00000000 000034 000058 00 A 0 0 4
[ 5] .rodata.GPIO_PIN_MUX_REG PROGBITS 00000000 00008c 000058 00 A 0 0 4
[ 6] .debug_info PROGBITS 00000000 0000e4 0000d8 00 0 0 1
[ 7] .rela.debug_info RELA 00000000 0009d4 000108 0c I 16 6 4
[ 8] .debug_abbrev PROGBITS 00000000 0001bc 000070 00 0 0 1
[ 9] .debug_aranges PROGBITS 00000000 00022c 000018 00 0 0 1
[10] .rela.debug_aranges RELA 00000000 000adc 00000c 0c I 16 9 4
[11] .debug_line PROGBITS 00000000 000244 0001ab 00 0 0 1
[12] .debug_str PROGBITS 00000000 0003ef 00022d 01 MS 0 0 1
[13] .comment PROGBITS 00000000 00061c 000030 01 MS 0 0 1
[14] .note.GNU-stack PROGBITS 00000000 00064c 000000 00 0 0 1
[15] .riscv.attributes RISCV_ATTRIBUTES 00000000 00064c 000044 00 0 0 1
[16] .symtab SYMTAB 00000000 000690 000260 10 17 36 4
[17] .strtab STRTAB 00000000 0008f0 0000e1 00 0 0 1
[18] .shstrtab STRTAB 00000000 000ae8 0000d1 00 0 0 1
1. Creating a new placement
.dram0.data :
*libsoc.a:gpio_periph.*(.rodata.GPIO_HOLD_MASK .sdata2.GPIO_HOLD_MASK .srodata.GPIO_HOLD_MASK)
2. Excluding the object placement
.flash.rodata :
*(EXCLUDE_FILE(*libsoc.a:gpio_periph.*) .rodata.* ...)
3. Creating a new intermediate placement
.flash.rodata :
Now, let's do the same, but also move GPIO_PIN_MUX_REG to noflash with an updated mapping.
archive: libsoc.a
gpio_periph: GPIO_HOLD_MASK (noflash)
gpio_periph: GPIO_PIN_MUX_REG (noflash)
1. Creating a new placement
.dram0.data :
*libsoc.a:gpio_periph.*(.rodata.GPIO_HOLD_MASK .sdata2.GPIO_HOLD_MASK .srodata.GPIO_HOLD_MASK)
*libsoc.a:gpio_periph.*(.rodata.GPIO_PIN_MUX_REG .sdata2.GPIO_PIN_MUX_REG
2. Excluding the object placement
.flash.rodata :
*(EXCLUDE_FILE(*libsoc.a:gpio_periph.*) .rodata.* ...)
3. Creating a new intermediate placement
.flash.rodata :
The *libsoc.a:gpio_periph.* entity in step 3 no longer has input
sections, as there are no remaining .rodata input sections in the object
file. The linker behavior for this mapping is to include all object
input sections that have not yet been placed as described in
"If you use a file name without a list of sections, then all sections in
the input file will be included in the output section. This is not
commonly done, but it may by useful on occasion."
The map file for such mapping now contains following input sections
.flash.rodata 0x3c0a0120 0x19b34
.debug_info 0x3c0b95bf 0xd8 esp-idf/soc/libsoc.a(gpio_periph.c.obj)
.debug_abbrev 0x3c0b9697 0x70 esp-idf/soc/libsoc.a(gpio_periph.c.obj)
0x3c0b9707 0x18 esp-idf/soc/libsoc.a(gpio_periph.c.obj)
.debug_line 0x3c0b971f 0x1ab esp-idf/soc/libsoc.a(gpio_periph.c.obj)
.debug_str 0x3c0b98ca 0x21a esp-idf/soc/libsoc.a(gpio_periph.c.obj)
0x22d (size before relaxing)
.comment 0x3c0b9ae4 0x30 esp-idf/soc/libsoc.a(gpio_periph.c.obj)
0x3c0b9ae4 0x0 esp-idf/soc/libsoc.a(gpio_periph.c.obj)
0x3c0b9ae4 0x44 esp-idf/soc/libsoc.a(gpio_periph.c.obj)
This is incorrect, and such intermediate placement should not be
generated. This type of placement can be recognized because it is not
explicitly defined in the mapping and lacks input sections. We can
identify this in the significant function and prevent issuing commands
for such placement.
Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <frantisek.hrbata@espressif.com>
This adds an assembler for the BitScrambler assembly language,
plus unit tests for it. It also adds the loopback driver,
which can do BitScrambler operations on memory-to-memory
transfers. Documentation is also included.
The initial implementation of a diagnostic tool that collects valuable
information about esp-idf and failed build to assist in investigating
reported issues.
The gathered information includes environmental variables, details about
the python virtual environment, installed tools, platform information,
project_description.json, sdkconfig, build logs, map file, linker
scripts, and others.
1) create the default report
# allow diag to create the report directory name
$ idf.py diag
# explicitly specify the report directory
$ idf.py diag --output <report directory>
2) examine the contents of the generated <report directory> for
sensitive information and add additional content to the
<report directory>
3) create report archive zip file that can be shared or attached to
the reported issue
$ idf.py diag --zip <report directory>
The tool collects information as described in what are known as recipe
files. A recipe file is a YAML file, similar to an Ansible playbook or a
GitHub action, but much more simplified. Each recipe outlines how to
gather a set of related information. For instance, the manager.yml
recipe gathers data related to the component manager. Each recipe
includes metadata such as its description, tags, and steps. Tags are
used to determine which recipes to use; by default, all built-in recipes
located in tools/idf_py_actions/diag/recipes are used. Steps consist of
a list of commands to be executed. Currently, there are four commands:
file, exec, env, and glob. For more detailed information about recipes,
their format, and commands, please refer to
Recipe example for component manager:
description: IDF Component Manager information
tags: [manager, base, project]
output: manager
- name: 'IDF Component Manager'
- exec:
cmd: 'python -m idf_component_manager version'
output: manager.ver
- file:
path: '${PROJECT_DIR}/dependencies.lock'
- glob:
# Gather all idf_component.yml files from the project directory and
# save them in directories relative to the project directory within
# the idf_component directory.
pattern: 'idf_component.yml'
recursive: true
relative: true
path: '${PROJECT_DIR}'
output: 'idf_component/'
Create report for manager
1) all recipes with manager tag
$ idf.py diag --tag manager
2) use only the manager recipe explicitly; built-in recipes can be
referenced simply by their name, but all recipes can be referenced
by their path
$ idf.py diag --recipe manager
$ idf.py diag --recipe <full path>
To display available recipes, use
$ idf.py diag --list
and to verify recipes, use
$ idf.py diag --check
Both --list and --check honers the --tag and --recipe options.
Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <frantisek.hrbata@espressif.com>
Currrently, all logs generated by RunTool are stored in files named
idf_py_(stdout|stderr)_output_$$, making it difficult to identify which
log corresponds to which command. To simplify this for idf-diag, include
the command arguments at the beginning of the log. This will allow
idf-diag to use regex to differentiate logs for build, monitor, flash,
and other commands and targets.
Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <frantisek.hrbata@espressif.com>
Updated S3 to use PMS protection for writing to flash through cache. This means we get
a panic quicker for this illegal behavior than we did before, making the source of the error
easier to track down.