This commit fixes an assert failure in vTaskDeleteWithCaps() when
multiple un-pinned tasks are created with stack in the external memory
and such tasks delete themselves.
This commit adds the corresponding CreateWithCaps functions for tasks:
- xTaskCreatePinnedToCoreWithCaps()
- xTaskCreateWithCaps()
- vTaskDeleteWithCaps()
Documentation and migraiton guide have been updated accordingly.
Previously, some IDF FreeRTOS API additions that were meant to be private were
exposed through the same "idf_additions.h" header. This commit moves those
functions to a separate header included via
"esp_private/freertos_idf_additions_priv.h" so that they are not mistaken as
public API by users.
This commit also fixes some missing include and C++ guards in idf_additions.h
freertos_tasks_c_additions.h is technically included as source file. This
commit removes the "private_include" directory of "freertos_tasks_c_additions.h"
and treats it as a source file of "esp_additions".
This commit merges the "FreeRTOSConfig_smp.h" file into the "FreeRTOSConfig.h".
The configurations for all FreeRTOS implementations are now stored in a single
xTaskRemoveFromUnorderedEventList is a scheduler internal function, thus will
never be called by users. Therefore, the compatbility define is not necessary.
The task snapshot tests use esp_cpu_stall() to stall the other CPU before
manually walking the task lists. However, it is possible that the other CPU
was also accessing the task lists when esp_cpu_stall() is called, leading to
flakey tests
This commit fixes the test by using a 2-way handshake instead of
This commit updates the linker fragment file for Amazon SMP FreeRTOS.
- Linker fragment file's formatting was updated
- Placement rules of functions is now clearly specified inside the linker
fragment file.
- Some extra functions are now placed in flash in accordance to the new
placement rules.
This commit removes the dependency on portUSING_MPU_WRAPPERS on the Xtensa port
of IDF FreeRTOS. This dependency was added due to a hack implemented in the
upstream port that required the usage of the "xMPUSettings" member of the TCB.
The "xMPUSettings" would be used as a pointer to the task's coprocessor save
area on the stack, even though FreeRTOS MPU support was not available.
The hack has now been removed, and the CPSA pointer is now calculated using
a combination of constant offsets values and the pxEndOfStack member of the
Note: This impelemtation was copied from the Xtensa port of Amazon SMP FreeRTOS.
This commit updates how configTHREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_DELETE_CALLBACKS is defined
by default it to 0 if not defined elsewhere. Dependent code now check for
The following changes have been made in this commit:
2. Removed configIDLE_TASK_STACK_SIZE config as it was redundant.
3. Updates the order of allocating the TCB and stack memory to avoid the
stack memory overriding the TCB memory when the stack grows downwards.
4. CONFIG_FREERTOS_IDLE_TASK_STACKSIZE is now incorporated into the
FreeRTOSConfig_smp.h to configure the IDLE0 stack size.
* Added port layer from the FreeRTOS POSIX port, added
additional port code for ESP-IDF.
* Created another hello world example using that POSIX
port in tools/test_apps.
* Removed old linux app
SMP FreeRTOS adds support for dynamic reentrancy in the following commit:
This commit does the following:
- Pulls in the upstream changes
- Move __getreent() to "freertos_tasks_c_additions.h"
- Add the required configNEWLIB_REENTRANT_IS_DYNAMIC to SMP FreeRTOS port
`vTaskGetSnapshot` is being used in coredump module to collect diagnostic information.
It is possible that input arguments are invalid and `assert` in this situation is not
This commit modifies API signature to return pdTRUE in case of success, and pdFALSE
otherwise. Caller can verify return value and then take appropriate decision.
This commit updates how the TLS pointers deletion callbacks are called
during task deletion in the FreeRTOS SMP kernel. The callbacks are now
routed through the portCLEAN_UP_TCB() macro. This commit also adds a
the enablement of the TLSP deletion callbacks.
This commit moves the IDF API additions from task.h/task.c to seperate header/source files.
- Declarations moved to "idf_additions.h"
- Definitions moved to "freertos_task_c_additions.h"
The API descriptions have also been updated.
Moved the following kconfig options out of the target component:
* ESP*_REV_MIN -> esp_hw_support
* ESP*_TIME_SYSCALL -> newlib
* ESP*_RTC_* -> esp_hw_support
Where applicable these target specific konfig names were merged into
a single common config, e.g;
This commit updates task snapshot as follows:
- Refactored implementation to increase readability
- Implementation moved into freertos_tasks_c_additions.h
- freertos_tasks_c_additions.h made a private header
- Support SMP FreeRTOS
is direclty used instead.
This commit fixes various build errors in IDF (and tests) when compiling
with SMP FreeRTOS:
- Updated usage of xTaskGetIdleTaskHandle()
- Disable sysview tracing macros
- Update some task snapshot functions
- Disabled test_freertos_hooks.c test as vApplicationIdleHook() and
vApplicationTickHook() are used.
This commit updates the copied Xtensa port to support the new porting interfaces
of the FreeRTOS SMP kernel. These modifications are mainly contained in
- FreeRTOSConfig.h
- FreeRTOSConfig_smp.h
- portmacro.h
- port.c
Some porting interfaces have changed in FreeRTOS SMP. In order to allow building
with IDF, compatibility interfaces have been added.
This commit refactors the FreeRTOS configuration headers as follows:
- Layout is now similar to FreeRTOSConfig.h found in other upstream demos
- Separate out Vanilla FreeRTOS configurations and ESP-IDF additions
- Move/remove some irrelevant/unused macros and configurations
This commit removes the usage of all legacy FreeRTOS data types that
are exposed via configENABLE_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY. Legacy types can
This commit does the following:
- Adds SPDX license identifiers to FreeRTOS sources. Remove those FreeRTOS sources from
the copyright ignore list.
- Update xtensa port files to match FreeRTOS v10.4.3. Added SPDX license identifiers
to the port files.
- Fixed some improperly licensed files
- Removed portbenchmark.h from RISC-V port
This commit adds missing INCLUDE_ configurations to FreeRTOSConfig.h for
the following functions:
- xTaskAbortDelay()
- xTaskGetHandle()
Unit tests for these functions were also added.
The following changes have been made:
1. All FreeRTOS kernel source files are now placed in the
freertos/FreeRTOS-Kernel folder to match with the upstream folder structure.
2. All kernel include files are now placed in freertos/FreeRTOS-Kernel/include.
3. All port files are now placed in freertos/FreeRTOS-Kernel/portable.
4. All additions/customizations are placed in freertos/esp_additions.
5. All other miscellaneous files (README, License files etc.) are moved to
freertos/FreeRTOS-Kernel folder to match with the upstream.
6. Updated esp-cryptoauthlib to latest commit to resolve FreeRTOS
include dependencies.
Signed-off-by: Sudeep Mohanty <>