This basically turns off the HTTP layer for Kore. It does not compile in anything for HTTP. This allows Kore to be used as a network application platform as well. Added an example for this called nohttp. Other changes that sneaked in while hacking on this: * Use calloc(), kill pendantic malloc option. * Killed off SPDY/3.1 support completely, will be superseded by http2 Note that comes with massive changes to a lot of the core API functions provided by Kore, these might break your application.
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Kore ( is an easy to use web application framework for writing scalable web APIs in C. Its main goals are security, scalability and allowing rapid development and deployment of such APIs.
Because of this Kore is an ideal candidate for building robust, scalable and secure web things.
- Supports SNI
- Supports HTTP/1.1
- Websocket support
- Lightweight background tasks
- Built-in parameter validation
- Only HTTPS connections allowed
- Multiple modules can be loaded at once
- Built-in asynchronous PostgreSQL support
- Default sane TLS ciphersuites (PFS in all major browsers)
- Load your web application as a precompiled dynamic library
- Modules can be reloaded on-the-fly, even while serving content
- Event driven (epoll/kqueue) architecture with per CPU core workers
- Kore is licensed under the ISC license
Platforms supported
- Linux
- OpenBSD
- FreeBSD
See for more information.
Latest release
- [2015-05-21] version 1.2.3 -
Old releases
- [2015-04-09] version 1.2.2 -
- [2014-12-12] version 1.2.1 -
- [2014-08-25] version 1.2 -
- [2014-03-01] version 1.1 -
Building Kore
- openssl (latest is always the safest bet, right?) (note: this requirement drops away when building with NOTLS=1 NOHTTP=1)
Requirements for background tasks (optional)
- pthreads
Requirements for pgsql (optional)
- libpq
Normal compilation and installation:
# cd kore
# make
# make install
If you would like to build a specific flavor, you can enable those by setting a shell environment variable before running make.
- TASKS=1 (compiles in task support)
- PGSQL=1 (compiles in pgsql support)
- DEBUG=1 (enables use of -d for debug)
- NOTLS=1 (compiles Kore without TLS)
- NOHTTP=1 (compiles Kore without HTTP support)
Example libraries
You can find example libraries under examples/.
The examples contain a README file with instructions on how to build or use them.
I apologize for unclear examples or documentation, I am working on improving those.
Bugs, contributions and more
If you run into any bugs, have suggestions or patches please contact me at
More information can be found on