script: add options "-ol" and "-il" in command /script, display "No scripts loaded" if no scripts are loaded
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ Bug fixes::
* core: fixed segfault during excessive evaluation in function string_repeat (issue #1400)
* buflist: fix extra spaces between buffers when conditions are used to hide buffers (regression introduced in version 2.6) (issue #1403)
New features::
* script: add options "-ol" and "-il" in command /script to send translated string with list of scripts loaded, display "No scripts loaded" if no scripts are loaded
* core: remove file FindTCL.cmake
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* `+script+`: WeeChat Skriptmanager
/script list [-o|-i]
/script list [-o|-ol|-i|-il]
search <text>
show <script>
load|unload|reload <script> [<script>...]
@ -15,62 +15,64 @@
list: gibt alle geladenen Skripten im Buffer aus (unabhängig der Programmiersprache)
-o: gibt eine Liste der gestarteten Skripten im Buffer aus
-i: eine Liste der gestarteten Skripten wird in die Eingabezeile kopiert (um sie dann manuell in einen Buffer zu senden)
search: sucht Skripten nach Schlagwörtern, Skriptsprache (python, perl, ...), Dateierweiterung (py, pl, ...) oder beliebigem Text. Das Ergebnis wird im Skripten-Buffer dargestellt
show: zeigt detailliert Informationen zu einem Skript an
load: startet Skript(en)
unload: beendet Skript(en)
reload: Skript(en) werden neu geladen
autoload: das Skript wird in das autoload-Verzeichnis eingebunden
noautoload: das Skript wird aus dem autoload-Verzeichnis entfernt
toggleautoload: autoload für das Skript umschalten
install: installiert/aktualisiert Skript(en) (physikalisch, auf dem Datenträger)
remove: deinstalliert Skript(en) (physikalisch, vom Datenträger)
installremove: installiert oder deinstalliert Skript(en), abhängig davon welcher Status vorliegt
hold: halten/freigeben von Skript(en) (ein Skript welches gehalten wird, kann weder aktualisiert noch entfernt werden)
-q: unterdrückter Modus: Es werden keine Nachrichten ausgegeben
upgrade: aktualisiert alle veralteten, installierten Skripten (sofern eine neue Version verfügbar ist)
update: aktualisiert den lokalen Cache für die Skripten
list: list loaded scripts (all languages)
-o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)
-ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)
-i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to buffer) (string in English)
-il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to buffer) (translated string)
search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts buffer
show: show detailed info about a script
load: load script(s)
unload: unload script(s)
reload: reload script(s)
autoload: autoload the script
noautoload: do not autoload the script
toggleautoload: toggle autoload
install: install/upgrade script(s)
remove: remove script(s)
installremove: install or remove script(s), depending on current state
hold: hold/unhold script(s) (a script held will not be upgraded any more and cannot be removed)
-q: quiet mode: do not display messages
upgrade: upgrade all installed scripts which are obsolete (new version available)
update: update local scripts cache
Ohne Angaben von Argumenten öffnet dieser Befehl einen Buffer, in welchem eine Liste der Skripten dargestellt wird.
Without argument, this command opens a buffer with list of scripts.
Im Skript-Buffer, werden folgende Statusangaben für ein Skript angezeigt:
On script buffer, the possible status for each script are:
* i a H r N
| | | | | |
| | | | | obsolete (neue Version verfügbar)
| | | | Skript wird ausgeführt (geladen)
| | | gehalten
| | Skript wird beim Start, von WeeChat, automatisch gestartet
| Skript ist installiert (wird aber nicht ausgeführt)
es wird empfohlen dieses Skript zu installieren
| | | | | obsolete (new version available)
| | | | running (loaded)
| | | held
| | autoloaded
| installed
popular script
Tastenbefehle die im Skript-Buffer genutzt werden können:
alt+i installiert Skript (physikalisch)
alt+r deinstalliert Skript (physikalisch
alt+l startet ein Skript (Skript wird ausgeführt)
alt+L Skript wird neu gestartet
alt+u beendet ein Skript
alt+A das Skript wird in das autoload-Verzeichnis eingebunden
alt+h Skript wird gehalten bzw. freigegeben
alt+v Skript anzeigen
Keys on script buffer:
alt+i install script
alt+r remove script
alt+l load script
alt+L reload script
alt+u unload script
alt+A autoload script
alt+h (un)hold script
alt+v view script
Befehle die in der Eingabezeile des Skript-Buffers eingegeben werden können:
i/r/l/L/u/A/h/v Aktionen die für ein Skript ausgeführt werden können (siehe Tastenbefehle, weiter oben)
q schließt den Buffer
$ Buffer wird aktualisiert
s:x,y Buffer wird nach den Vorgaben x und y sortiert (siehe /help script.look.sort)
s: die Sortierung des Buffers wird zurückgesetzt (Standardwerte werden genutzt)
word(s) Skripten werden gefiltert: sucht nach einem oder mehreren Wörtern in den Skripten (der Beschreibung, in den Schlagwörtern, ...)
* Filter wird zurückgesetzt
Input allowed on script buffer:
i/r/l/L/u/A/h/v action on script (same as keys above)
q close buffer
$ refresh buffer
s:x,y sort buffer using keys x and y (see /help script.look.sort)
s: reset sort (use default sort)
word(s) filter scripts: search word(s) in scripts (description, tags, ...)
* remove filter
Mausbefehle innerhalb des Skripten-Buffer:
Mausrad in der Liste scrollen
linke Maustaste Skript anwählen
rechte Maustaste Skript installieren/entfernen
Mouse actions on script buffer:
wheel scroll list
left button select script
right button install/remove script
/script search url
/script install
/script remove
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* `+script+`: WeeChat script manager
/script list [-o|-i]
/script list [-o|-ol|-i|-il]
search <text>
show <script>
load|unload|reload <script> [<script>...]
@ -16,8 +16,10 @@
list: list loaded scripts (all languages)
-o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer
-i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to buffer)
-o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)
-ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)
-i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to buffer) (string in English)
-il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to buffer) (translated string)
search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts buffer
show: show detailed info about a script
load: load script(s)
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* `+script+`: Gestionnaire de scripts WeeChat
/script list [-o|-i]
/script list [-o|-ol|-i|-il]
search <texte>
show <script>
load|unload|reload <script> [<script>...]
@ -16,8 +16,10 @@
list : lister les scripts chargés (tous les langages)
-o : envoyer la liste des scripts chargés au tampon
-i : copier la liste des scripts chargés dans la ligne de commande (pour envoi au tampon)
-o : envoyer la liste des scripts chargés au tampon (chaîne en anglais)
-ol : envoyer la liste des scripts chargés au tampon (chaîne traduite)
-i : copier la liste des scripts chargés dans la ligne de commande (pour envoi au tampon) (chaîne en anglais)
-il : copier la liste des scripts chargés dans la ligne de commande (pour envoi au tampon) (chaîne traduite)
search : chercher des scripts par étiquettes, langage (python, perl, ...), extension de fichier (py, pl, ...) ou texte ; le résultat est affiché sur le tampon des scripts
show : afficher des infos détaillées sur le script
load : charger un ou plusieurs scripts
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* `+script+`: WeeChat script manager
/script list [-o|-i]
/script list [-o|-ol|-i|-il]
search <text>
show <script>
load|unload|reload <script> [<script>...]
@ -16,8 +16,10 @@
list: list loaded scripts (all languages)
-o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer
-i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to buffer)
-o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)
-ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)
-i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to buffer) (string in English)
-il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to buffer) (translated string)
search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts buffer
show: show detailed info about a script
load: load script(s)
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* `+script+`: WeeChat スクリプトマネージャ
/script list [-o|-i]
/script list [-o|-ol|-i|-il]
search <text>
show <script>
load|unload|reload <script> [<script>...]
@ -15,62 +15,64 @@
list: ロード済みスクリプトの表示 (すべての言語)
-o: バッファにロード済みスクリプトのリストを表示
-i: コマンドラインにロード済みスクリプトのリストをコピー (バッファ送信用)
search: タグ、プログラミング言語 (python、perl、...)、ファイル名拡張子(py、pl、...)、テキストに基づいてスクリプトを検索し、スクリプトバッファに結果を表示
show: スクリプトに関する詳細を表示
load: スクリプトのロード (複数可)
unload: スクリプトのアンロード (複数可)
reload: スクリプトのリロード (複数可)
autoload: スクリプトを自動ロード
noautoload: スクリプトを自動ロードしない
toggleautoload: 自動ロードの切り替え
install: スクリプトのインストール/アップグレード (複数可)
remove: スクリプトの削除 (複数可)
installremove: スクリプトのインストールまたは削除 (複数可)、スクリプトの状態に依存
hold: スクリプトのホールド/アンホールド (複数可) (ホールドされたスクリプトはアップグレードされず、削除もできなくなる)
-q: 出力を抑制するモード: メッセージを表示しない
upgrade: 全ての古いインストール済みスクリプトをアップグレード (新バージョンが利用可能な場合)
update: ローカルスクリプトキャッシュのアップデート
list: list loaded scripts (all languages)
-o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)
-ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)
-i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to buffer) (string in English)
-il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to buffer) (translated string)
search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts buffer
show: show detailed info about a script
load: load script(s)
unload: unload script(s)
reload: reload script(s)
autoload: autoload the script
noautoload: do not autoload the script
toggleautoload: toggle autoload
install: install/upgrade script(s)
remove: remove script(s)
installremove: install or remove script(s), depending on current state
hold: hold/unhold script(s) (a script held will not be upgraded any more and cannot be removed)
-q: quiet mode: do not display messages
upgrade: upgrade all installed scripts which are obsolete (new version available)
update: update local scripts cache
Without argument, this command opens a buffer with list of scripts.
On script buffer, the possible status for each script are:
* i a H r N
| | | | | |
| | | | | アップデートが必要 (新バージョンが利用可能)
| | | | 起動済み (ロード済み)
| | | ホールド状態
| | 自動ロード
| インストール済み
| | | | | obsolete (new version available)
| | | | running (loaded)
| | | held
| | autoloaded
| installed
popular script
alt+i スクリプトのインストール
alt+r スクリプトの削除
alt+l スクリプトのロード
alt+L スクリプトのリロード
alt+u スクリプトのアンロード
alt+A スクリプトの自動ロード
alt+h スクリプトの(アン)ホールド
alt+v スクリプトの表示
Keys on script buffer:
alt+i install script
alt+r remove script
alt+l load script
alt+L reload script
alt+u unload script
alt+A autoload script
alt+h (un)hold script
alt+v view script
i/r/l/L/u/A/h/v スクリプトに対するアクション (上記キーと同じ)
q バッファを閉じる
$ バッファのリフレッシュ
s:x,y x と y をキーにしてバッファをソート (/help script.look.sort 参照)
s: ソート解除 (デフォルトのソート順)
word(s) スクリプトのフィルタ: スクリプトを単語で検索 (複数可) (説明、タグ、...)
* フィルタの解除
Input allowed on script buffer:
i/r/l/L/u/A/h/v action on script (same as keys above)
q close buffer
$ refresh buffer
s:x,y sort buffer using keys x and y (see /help script.look.sort)
s: reset sort (use default sort)
word(s) filter scripts: search word(s) in scripts (description, tags, ...)
* remove filter
ホイール リストのスクロール
左ボタン スクリプトの選択
右ボタン スクリプトのインストール / 削除
Mouse actions on script buffer:
wheel scroll list
left button select script
right button install/remove script
/script search url
/script install
/script remove
@ -6,71 +6,73 @@
* `+script+`: Manager skryptów WeeChat
/script list [-o|-i]
search <tekst>
show <skrypt>
load|unload|reload <skrypt> [<skrypt>...]
autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <skrypt> [<skrypt>...]
install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <skrypt> [<skrypt>...]
/script list [-o|-ol|-i|-il]
search <text>
show <script>
load|unload|reload <script> [<script>...]
autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <script> [<script>...]
install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> [<script>...]
list: lista załadowanych skryptów (wszystkie języki)
-o: wysyła listę skryptów do bufora
-i: kopiuje listę skryptów do wiersza poleceń (do wysłania do bufora)
search: wyszukuje skryptu po tagach, języku (python, perl, ...), rozszerzeniu pliku (py, pl, ...) lub tekście; wynik jest wyświetlany w buforze skryptów
show: pokazuje dokładne informacje o skrypcie
load: ładuje skrypt(y)
unload: wyładowuje skrypt(y)
reload: przeładowuje skrypt(y)
autoload: automatyczne ładowanie skryptu
noautoload: nie ładuj automatycznie skryptu
toggleautoload: przełącza automatyczne logowanie
install: instaluje/uaktualnia skrypt(y)
remove: usuwa skrypt(y)
installremove: instaluje lub usuwa skrypt(y), w zależności od obecnego stanu
hold: przełącza stan wstrzymania skrypt(y) (wstrzymany skrypt nie będzie aktualizowany ani nie może zostać usunięty)
-q: tryb cichy: nie wyświetla wiadomości
upgrade: aktualizuje wszystkie zainstalowane skrypty, które są przestarzałe (nowa wersja jest dostępne)
update: aktualizuje lokalna listę dostępnych skryptów
list: list loaded scripts (all languages)
-o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)
-ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)
-i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to buffer) (string in English)
-il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to buffer) (translated string)
search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts buffer
show: show detailed info about a script
load: load script(s)
unload: unload script(s)
reload: reload script(s)
autoload: autoload the script
noautoload: do not autoload the script
toggleautoload: toggle autoload
install: install/upgrade script(s)
remove: remove script(s)
installremove: install or remove script(s), depending on current state
hold: hold/unhold script(s) (a script held will not be upgraded any more and cannot be removed)
-q: quiet mode: do not display messages
upgrade: upgrade all installed scripts which are obsolete (new version available)
update: update local scripts cache
Bez żadnego argumentu, komenda otwiera bufor z listą skryptów.
Without argument, this command opens a buffer with list of scripts.
W buforze skryptów, możliwe statusy dla każdego ze skryptów:
On script buffer, the possible status for each script are:
* i a H r N
| | | | | |
| | | | | przestarzały (dostępna jest nowa wersja)
| | | | działający (załadowany)
| | | wstrzymany
| | automatycznie ładowany
| zainstalowany
popularny skrypt
| | | | | obsolete (new version available)
| | | | running (loaded)
| | | held
| | autoloaded
| installed
popular script
Skróty klawiszowe w buforze skryptów:
alt+i instaluje skrypt
alt+r usuwa skrypt
alt+l ładuje skrypt
alt+L przeładowuje skrypt
alt+u wyładowuje skrypt
alt+A automatyczne ładowanie skryptu
alt+h przełącza stan wstrzymania skryptu
alt+v wyświetla skrypt
Keys on script buffer:
alt+i install script
alt+r remove script
alt+l load script
alt+L reload script
alt+u unload script
alt+A autoload script
alt+h (un)hold script
alt+v view script
Dozwolone komendy z linii poleceń w buforze skryptów:
i/r/l/L/u/A/h/v akcje dla skryptu (takie same jak skróty klawiszowe powyżej)
q zamknij bufor
$ odśwież bufor
s:x,y sortuj bufor używając klawiszy x i y (zobacz /help script.look.sort)
s: resetuj sortowanie (użyj domyślnego)
słowo(a) filtruj skrypty: szukaj słowa(ów) w skryptach (opis, tagi, ...)
* usuń filtr
Input allowed on script buffer:
i/r/l/L/u/A/h/v action on script (same as keys above)
q close buffer
$ refresh buffer
s:x,y sort buffer using keys x and y (see /help script.look.sort)
s: reset sort (use default sort)
word(s) filter scripts: search word(s) in scripts (description, tags, ...)
* remove filter
Akcje myszy w buforze skryptów:
kółko przewija listę
lewy przycisk wybiera skrypt
prawy przycisk instaluj/usuń skrypt
Mouse actions on script buffer:
wheel scroll list
left button select script
right button install/remove script
/script search url
/script install
/script remove
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-16 20:54+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-19 21:16+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Ondřej Súkup <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -11204,6 +11204,10 @@ msgstr "%s%s: nemohu vyhodnotit interní kód WeeChat ruby"
msgid "Scripts loaded:"
msgstr "Načtené skripty:"
#, fuzzy
msgid "No scripts loaded"
msgstr "načteny %s skripty:"
#, c-format
msgid "%s: unknown language for script \"%s\""
msgstr "%s: neznámý jazyk pro skript \"%s\""
@ -11376,7 +11380,7 @@ msgstr "správce skriptů WeeChatu"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list [-o|-i] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"list [-o|-ol|-i|-il] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"<script> [<script>...] || autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <script> "
"[<script>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> "
"[<script>...] || upgrade || update"
@ -11389,9 +11393,12 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" list: list loaded scripts (all languages)\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)\n"
" -ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)\n"
" -i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (string in English)\n"
" -il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (translated string)\n"
" search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), "
"filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts "
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-16 20:54+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-19 21:16+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-18 13:50+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Nils Görs <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n"
@ -13146,6 +13146,10 @@ msgstr "%s%s: Evaluation des internen WeeChat Ruby Codes nicht möglich"
msgid "Scripts loaded:"
msgstr "Installierte Skripten:"
#, fuzzy
msgid "No scripts loaded"
msgstr "Installierte \"%s\" Skripten:"
#, c-format
msgid "%s: unknown language for script \"%s\""
msgstr ""
@ -13320,8 +13324,9 @@ msgstr "Skriptmanager"
msgid "WeeChat script manager"
msgstr "WeeChat Skriptmanager"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list [-o|-i] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"list [-o|-ol|-i|-il] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"<script> [<script>...] || autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <script> "
"[<script>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> "
"[<script>...] || upgrade || update"
@ -13331,11 +13336,15 @@ msgstr ""
"[<script>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> "
"[<script>...] || upgrade || update"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" list: list loaded scripts (all languages)\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)\n"
" -ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)\n"
" -i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (string in English)\n"
" -il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (translated string)\n"
" search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), "
"filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts "
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-16 20:54+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-19 21:16+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Elián Hanisch <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -11550,6 +11550,10 @@ msgstr "%s%s: no es posible evaluar el código ruby interno de WeeChat"
msgid "Scripts loaded:"
msgstr "Scripts cargados:"
#, fuzzy
msgid "No scripts loaded"
msgstr "scripts en %s cargados:"
#, c-format
msgid "%s: unknown language for script \"%s\""
msgstr "%s: lenguaje del script \"%s\" desconocido"
@ -11719,7 +11723,7 @@ msgid "WeeChat script manager"
msgstr "Administrador de scripts de WeeChat"
msgid ""
"list [-o|-i] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"list [-o|-ol|-i|-il] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"<script> [<script>...] || autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <script> "
"[<script>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> "
"[<script>...] || upgrade || update"
@ -11727,9 +11731,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
" list: list loaded scripts (all languages)\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)\n"
" -ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)\n"
" -i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (string in English)\n"
" -il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (translated string)\n"
" search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), "
"filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts "
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-16 20:54+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-16 20:55+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-19 21:16+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-19 21:18+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
@ -12871,6 +12871,9 @@ msgstr "%s%s : impossible d'évaluer le code ruby interne WeeChat"
msgid "Scripts loaded:"
msgstr "Scripts chargés :"
msgid "No scripts loaded"
msgstr "Aucun script chargé"
#, c-format
msgid "%s: unknown language for script \"%s\""
msgstr "%s : langage inconnu pour le script \"%s\""
@ -13043,21 +13046,24 @@ msgid "WeeChat script manager"
msgstr "Gestionnaire de scripts WeeChat"
msgid ""
"list [-o|-i] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"list [-o|-ol|-i|-il] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"<script> [<script>...] || autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <script> "
"[<script>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> "
"[<script>...] || upgrade || update"
msgstr ""
"list [-o|-i] || search <texte> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"<script> [<script>...] || autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <script> "
"list [-o|-ol|-i|-il] || search <texte> || show <script> || load|unload|"
"reload <script> [<script>...] || autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <script> "
"[<script>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> "
"[<script>...] || upgrade || update"
msgid ""
" list: list loaded scripts (all languages)\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)\n"
" -ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)\n"
" -i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (string in English)\n"
" -il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (translated string)\n"
" search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), "
"filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts "
@ -13125,9 +13131,14 @@ msgid ""
" /script upgrade"
msgstr ""
" list : lister les scripts chargés (tous les langages)\n"
" -o : envoyer la liste des scripts chargés au tampon\n"
" -o : envoyer la liste des scripts chargés au tampon (chaîne en "
" -ol : envoyer la liste des scripts chargés au tampon (chaîne "
" -i : copier la liste des scripts chargés dans la ligne de "
"commande (pour envoi au tampon)\n"
"commande (pour envoi au tampon) (chaîne en anglais)\n"
" -il : copier la liste des scripts chargés dans la ligne de "
"commande (pour envoi au tampon) (chaîne traduite)\n"
" search : chercher des scripts par étiquettes, langage (python, "
"perl, ...), extension de fichier (py, pl, ...) ou texte ; le résultat est "
"affiché sur le tampon des scripts\n"
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-16 20:54+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-19 21:16+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Andras Voroskoi <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -10544,6 +10544,10 @@ msgstr "%s nem sikerült a szervert létrehozni\n"
msgid "Scripts loaded:"
msgstr "FIFO cső bezárva\n"
#, fuzzy
msgid "No scripts loaded"
msgstr "FIFO cső bezárva\n"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: unknown language for script \"%s\""
msgstr "folyamat: \"%s\" szerver betöltése\n"
@ -10721,7 +10725,7 @@ msgid "WeeChat script manager"
msgstr "WeeChat szlogen"
msgid ""
"list [-o|-i] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"list [-o|-ol|-i|-il] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"<script> [<script>...] || autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <script> "
"[<script>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> "
"[<script>...] || upgrade || update"
@ -10729,9 +10733,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
" list: list loaded scripts (all languages)\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)\n"
" -ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)\n"
" -i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (string in English)\n"
" -il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (translated string)\n"
" search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), "
"filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts "
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-16 20:54+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-19 21:16+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Esteban I. Ruiz Moreno <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -11756,6 +11756,10 @@ msgstr "%s%s: impossibile analizzare il codice interno ruby di WeeChat"
msgid "Scripts loaded:"
msgstr "Script caricati:"
#, fuzzy
msgid "No scripts loaded"
msgstr "script %s caricati:"
#, c-format
msgid "%s: unknown language for script \"%s\""
msgstr "%s: linguaggio sconosciuto per lo script \"%s\""
@ -11927,7 +11931,7 @@ msgid "WeeChat script manager"
msgstr "Gestore script di WeeChat"
msgid ""
"list [-o|-i] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"list [-o|-ol|-i|-il] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"<script> [<script>...] || autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <script> "
"[<script>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> "
"[<script>...] || upgrade || update"
@ -11935,9 +11939,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
" list: list loaded scripts (all languages)\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)\n"
" -ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)\n"
" -i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (string in English)\n"
" -il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (translated string)\n"
" search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), "
"filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts "
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-16 20:54+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-19 21:16+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-22 08:40+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <"
@ -12403,6 +12403,10 @@ msgstr "%s%s: WeeChat ruby 内部コードを評価できません"
msgid "Scripts loaded:"
msgstr "ロード済みスクリプト:"
#, fuzzy
msgid "No scripts loaded"
msgstr "ロードされた %s スクリプト:"
#, c-format
msgid "%s: unknown language for script \"%s\""
msgstr "%s: スクリプト \"%s\" は利用できない言語で書かれています"
@ -12573,8 +12577,9 @@ msgstr "スクリプトマネージャ"
msgid "WeeChat script manager"
msgstr "WeeChat スクリプトマネージャ"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list [-o|-i] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"list [-o|-ol|-i|-il] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"<script> [<script>...] || autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <script> "
"[<script>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> "
"[<script>...] || upgrade || update"
@ -12584,11 +12589,15 @@ msgstr ""
"[<script>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> "
"[<script>...] || upgrade || update"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" list: list loaded scripts (all languages)\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)\n"
" -ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)\n"
" -i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (string in English)\n"
" -il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (translated string)\n"
" search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), "
"filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts "
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-16 20:54+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-19 21:16+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-07 15:45+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Krzysztof Korościk <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <>\n"
@ -12597,6 +12597,10 @@ msgstr "%s%s: nie można ocenić wewnętrznego kodu ruby w WeeChat"
msgid "Scripts loaded:"
msgstr "Załadowane skrypty:"
#, fuzzy
msgid "No scripts loaded"
msgstr "załadowano skrypt %s:"
#, c-format
msgid "%s: unknown language for script \"%s\""
msgstr "%s: nieznany język dla skryptu \"%s\""
@ -12767,8 +12771,9 @@ msgstr "Manager skryptów"
msgid "WeeChat script manager"
msgstr "Manager skryptów WeeChat"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list [-o|-i] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"list [-o|-ol|-i|-il] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"<script> [<script>...] || autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <script> "
"[<script>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> "
"[<script>...] || upgrade || update"
@ -12778,11 +12783,15 @@ msgstr ""
"[<skrypt>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <skrypt> "
"[<skrypt>...] || upgrade || update"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" list: list loaded scripts (all languages)\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)\n"
" -ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)\n"
" -i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (string in English)\n"
" -il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (translated string)\n"
" search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), "
"filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts "
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-16 20:54+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-19 21:16+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:32+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Vasco Almeida <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n"
@ -12221,6 +12221,10 @@ msgstr "%s%s: não foi possível avaliar código ruby interno do WeeChat"
msgid "Scripts loaded:"
msgstr "Scripts carregados:"
#, fuzzy
msgid "No scripts loaded"
msgstr "scripts %s carregados:"
#, c-format
msgid "%s: unknown language for script \"%s\""
msgstr "%s: linguagem do script \"%s\" desconhecida"
@ -12394,8 +12398,9 @@ msgstr "Gestor de scripts"
msgid "WeeChat script manager"
msgstr "Gestor de scripts do WeeChat"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list [-o|-i] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"list [-o|-ol|-i|-il] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"<script> [<script>...] || autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <script> "
"[<script>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> "
"[<script>...] || upgrade || update"
@ -12405,11 +12410,15 @@ msgstr ""
"[<script>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> "
"[<script>...] || upgrade || update"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" list: list loaded scripts (all languages)\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)\n"
" -ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)\n"
" -i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (string in English)\n"
" -il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (translated string)\n"
" search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), "
"filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts "
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-16 20:54+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-19 21:16+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:32+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Eduardo Elias <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -11001,6 +11001,10 @@ msgstr "%s%s: não foi possível avaliar código interno Ruby do WeeChat"
msgid "Scripts loaded:"
msgstr "scripts %s carregados:"
#, fuzzy
msgid "No scripts loaded"
msgstr "scripts %s carregados:"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: unknown language for script \"%s\""
msgstr "%s: descarregando script \"%s\""
@ -11177,7 +11181,7 @@ msgid "WeeChat script manager"
msgstr "site do WeeChat"
msgid ""
"list [-o|-i] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"list [-o|-ol|-i|-il] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"<script> [<script>...] || autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <script> "
"[<script>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> "
"[<script>...] || upgrade || update"
@ -11185,9 +11189,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
" list: list loaded scripts (all languages)\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)\n"
" -ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)\n"
" -i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (string in English)\n"
" -il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (translated string)\n"
" search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), "
"filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts "
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-16 20:54+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-19 21:16+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:32+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Aleksey V Zapparov AKA ixti <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -10580,6 +10580,10 @@ msgstr "%s не могу создать сервер\n"
msgid "Scripts loaded:"
msgstr "FIFO pipe закрыт\n"
#, fuzzy
msgid "No scripts loaded"
msgstr "FIFO pipe закрыт\n"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: unknown language for script \"%s\""
msgstr "сессия: загружаю сервер \"%s\"\n"
@ -10757,7 +10761,7 @@ msgid "WeeChat script manager"
msgstr "слоган WeeChat"
msgid ""
"list [-o|-i] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"list [-o|-ol|-i|-il] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"<script> [<script>...] || autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <script> "
"[<script>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> "
"[<script>...] || upgrade || update"
@ -10765,9 +10769,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
" list: list loaded scripts (all languages)\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)\n"
" -ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)\n"
" -i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (string in English)\n"
" -il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (translated string)\n"
" search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), "
"filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts "
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-16 20:54+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-19 21:16+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 21:32+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Hasan Kiran <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -9620,6 +9620,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Scripts loaded:"
msgstr "Yüklü betikler:"
#, fuzzy
msgid "No scripts loaded"
msgstr "%s yüklü betikler:"
#, c-format
msgid "%s: unknown language for script \"%s\""
msgstr "%s: \"%s\" betiği için bilinmeyen dil"
@ -9786,8 +9790,9 @@ msgstr "Betik yöneticisi"
msgid "WeeChat script manager"
msgstr "WeeChat betik yöneticisi"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list [-o|-i] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"list [-o|-ol|-i|-il] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"<script> [<script>...] || autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <script> "
"[<script>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> "
"[<script>...] || upgrade || update"
@ -9799,9 +9804,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
" list: list loaded scripts (all languages)\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)\n"
" -ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)\n"
" -i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (string in English)\n"
" -il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (translated string)\n"
" search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), "
"filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts "
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-16 20:54+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-19 21:16+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-16 10:27+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -9486,6 +9486,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Scripts loaded:"
msgstr ""
msgid "No scripts loaded"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "%s: unknown language for script \"%s\""
msgstr ""
@ -9649,7 +9652,7 @@ msgid "WeeChat script manager"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"list [-o|-i] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"list [-o|-ol|-i|-il] || search <text> || show <script> || load|unload|reload "
"<script> [<script>...] || autoload|noautoload|toggleautoload <script> "
"[<script>...] || install|remove|installremove|hold [-q] <script> "
"[<script>...] || upgrade || update"
@ -9657,9 +9660,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
" list: list loaded scripts (all languages)\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (string in English)\n"
" -ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer (translated string)\n"
" -i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (string in English)\n"
" -il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for sending to "
"buffer) (translated string)\n"
" search: search scripts by tags, language (python, perl, ...), "
"filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is displayed on scripts "
@ -96,21 +96,21 @@ script_action_list ()
* Lists loaded scripts (all languages) in input.
* Sends input to buffer if send_to_buffer == 1.
* String is translated if translated == 1 (otherwise it's English).
script_action_list_input (int send_to_buffer)
script_action_list_input (int send_to_buffer, int translated)
int i, length;
char hdata_name[128], *buf, str_pos[16];
char hdata_name[128], **buf, str_pos[16];
struct t_hdata *hdata;
void *ptr_script;
buf = malloc (16384);
buf = weechat_string_dyn_alloc (256);
if (!buf)
buf[0] = '\0';
length = 0;
for (i = 0; i < SCRIPT_NUM_LANGUAGES; i++)
@ -121,35 +121,51 @@ script_action_list_input (int send_to_buffer)
ptr_script = weechat_hdata_get_list (hdata, "scripts");
while (ptr_script)
if (buf[0])
strcat (buf, ", ");
strcat (buf, weechat_hdata_string (hdata, ptr_script, "name"));
strcat (buf, ".");
strcat (buf, script_extension[i]);
strcat (buf, " ");
strcat (buf, weechat_hdata_string (hdata, ptr_script, "version"));
length = strlen (buf);
if (length > 16384 - 64)
if (*buf[0])
strcat (buf, "...");
length += 3;
weechat_string_dyn_concat (buf, ", ");
weechat_string_dyn_concat (
(translated) ? _("Scripts loaded:") : "Scripts loaded:");
weechat_string_dyn_concat (buf, " ");
weechat_string_dyn_concat (buf,
weechat_hdata_string (hdata,
weechat_string_dyn_concat (buf, ".");
weechat_string_dyn_concat (buf, script_extension[i]);
weechat_string_dyn_concat (buf, " ");
weechat_string_dyn_concat (buf, weechat_hdata_string (hdata,
ptr_script = weechat_hdata_move (hdata, ptr_script, 1);
if (buf[0])
if (!*buf[0])
if (send_to_buffer)
weechat_command (weechat_current_buffer (), buf);
weechat_buffer_set (weechat_current_buffer (), "input", buf);
snprintf (str_pos, sizeof (str_pos), "%d", length);
weechat_buffer_set (weechat_current_buffer (), "input_pos", str_pos);
weechat_string_dyn_concat (
(translated) ? _("No scripts loaded") : "No scripts loaded");
if (send_to_buffer)
weechat_command (weechat_current_buffer (), *buf);
weechat_buffer_set (weechat_current_buffer (), "input", *buf);
length = strlen (*buf);
snprintf (str_pos, sizeof (str_pos), "%d", length);
weechat_buffer_set (weechat_current_buffer (), "input_pos", str_pos);
weechat_string_dyn_free (buf, 1);
@ -1250,9 +1266,13 @@ script_action_run ()
if (argc > 1)
if (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "-i") == 0)
script_action_list_input (0);
script_action_list_input (0, 0);
if (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "-il") == 0)
script_action_list_input (0, 1);
else if (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "-o") == 0)
script_action_list_input (1);
script_action_list_input (1, 0);
else if (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "-ol") == 0)
script_action_list_input (1, 1);
script_action_list ();
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ script_command_init ()
weechat_hook_command (
N_("WeeChat script manager"),
N_("list [-o|-i]"
N_("list [-o|-ol|-i|-il]"
" || search <text>"
" || show <script>"
" || load|unload|reload <script> [<script>...]"
@ -299,9 +299,14 @@ script_command_init ()
" || upgrade"
" || update"),
N_(" list: list loaded scripts (all languages)\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer\n"
" -o: send list of loaded scripts to buffer "
"(string in English)\n"
" -ol: send list of loaded scripts to buffer "
"(translated string)\n"
" -i: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for "
"sending to buffer)\n"
"sending to buffer) (string in English)\n"
" -il: copy list of loaded scripts in command line (for "
"sending to buffer) (translated string)\n"
" search: search scripts by tags, language (python, "
"perl, ...), filename extension (py, pl, ...) or text; result is "
"displayed on scripts buffer\n"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user