Sébastien Helleu
core: add hidden buffers, add options hide/unhide in command /buffer
2014-04-05 16:30:13 +02:00
Sébastien Helleu
core: add default key alt-'-' to toggle filters in current buffer ( closes #17 )
2014-04-01 16:00:44 +02:00
Sébastien Helleu
trigger: add filter in trigger monitor buffer
The filter can be set with /trigger monitor <filter> or by entering data
in the trigger monitor input.
2014-04-01 14:26:02 +02:00
Sébastien Helleu
core: add non-active merged buffers with activity in hotlist (if another merged buffer is zoomed) (task #12845 )
There was a bug with "num_displayed" in buffers when they are merged and
that one buffer is zoomed: now the num_displayed is > 0 for the active buffer,
and it is set to 0 for all merged non-active buffers (only in case of zoom).
A variable "zoomed" has been added in buffers to know if a buffer with this
number is zoomed or not (possibly another buffer).
2014-03-31 10:31:56 +02:00
Sébastien Helleu
irc: add support of "away-notify" capability ( closes #12 )
2014-03-30 16:16:13 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
doc: update auto-generated files with hdata
2014-03-27 21:28:36 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: update translations
2014-03-15 15:08:49 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
relay: add info "relay_client_count" with optional status name as argument
Use in evaluated strings (for example in /eval or triggers):
- "${info:relay_client_count}": total number of relay clients (any status)
With a specific status:
- "${info:relay_client_count,connecting}"
- "${info:relay_client_count,waiting_auth}"
- "${info:relay_client_count,connected}"
- "${info:relay_client_count,auth_failed}"
- "${info:relay_client_count,disconnected}"
2014-03-05 11:49:25 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
rmodifier: remove plugin (replaced by trigger)
2014-03-04 12:08:33 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: update translations
2014-02-21 16:32:34 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
doc: update auto-generated files with hdata
2014-02-13 10:05:17 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
irc: use MONITOR instead of ISON for /notify when it is available on server (task #11477 ) (patch from Nils Görs)
2014-01-23 11:31:57 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: add completion "plugins_installed"
2014-01-14 13:27:43 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
doc: update auto-generated files with hdata
2014-01-06 11:26:50 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: add buffer property "highlight_tags_restrict", rename option irc.look.highlight_tags to irc.look.highlight_tags_restrict
The buffer property "highlight_tags" is renamed to "highlight_tags_restrict".
New behavior for buffer property "highlight_tags": force highlight on tags.
Option irc.look.highlight_tags is renamed to irc.look.highlight_tags_restrict.
2013-12-15 13:45:40 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: add logical "and" between tags in filters, weechat.look.highlight_tags and buffer property "highlight_tags"
The logical "and" is made with the separator "+".
Example: "irc_notice+nick_toto,nick_test"
will match a notice from nick "toto" or any message from nick "test".
2013-12-14 11:26:03 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
doc: update auto-generated files with hdata
2013-12-06 08:13:04 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: add missing access to hdata "buffer_visited"
2013-12-01 08:46:07 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: add infos "term_width" and "term_height"
2013-11-09 15:55:11 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
doc: use one line titles and less chars for delimited blocks/tables in asciidoc files
2013-11-04 21:41:34 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
doc: fix layout of HTML docs when they are printed
Some long lines in docs were causing a zoom, and then the text font was
smaller than it should be. Some styles have been fixed to remove the zoom
and keep the original ratio.
2013-10-20 11:39:11 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
irc: add server option "default_msg_kick" to customize default kick/kickban message (task #12777 ) (patch from Nils Görs)
2013-10-08 19:57:04 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: add syntax "@buffer:item" in bar items to force the buffer used when displaying the bar item (task #12717 )
2013-08-19 21:22:10 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: add search of regular expression in buffer, don't reset search type on a new search, select where to search (messages/prefixes)
Key changed in search context:
- ctrl+"r": switch search type: string/regex
New keys in search context:
- alt+"c": case (in)sensitive search
- tab: search in messages/prefixes/both
2013-08-17 11:51:50 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: optimize the removal of lines in buffers (a lot faster to clear/close buffers with lot of lines)
The update of variables "buffer_max_length" and "prefix_max_length" in struct
t_gui_lines is now delayed and made during the main refresh (in main loop).
For a buffer with 50K lines, it is up to 3300 times faster to clear/close it.
For a buffer with 4096 lines (default limit), it is up to 120 times faster.
2013-08-10 17:18:12 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: update translations
2013-08-02 20:16:47 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
script: add info about things defined by script in the detailed view of script (/script show)
2013-07-28 16:17:27 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
api: use pointer for infolist "hook" to return only one hook
2013-07-28 12:40:08 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: add option "scroll_beyond_end" for command /window (task #6745 )
2013-07-17 18:04:44 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: add options for Curl >= 7.25
2013-06-08 17:04:40 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: add "proxy" infolist and hdata
2013-06-08 11:40:27 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
doc: resize columns for table with hdata (plugin API reference)
2013-05-27 09:48:07 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: update translations and auto-generated files with hdata/infolists
2013-05-21 22:39:18 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
irc: add option irc.look.display_join_message (task #10895 )
2013-03-24 13:02:26 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: add support of multiple layouts (task #11274 )
2013-03-17 08:28:41 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
doc: update hdata "buffer" in plugin API reference
2013-03-07 19:55:24 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
irc: unmask smart filtered join if nick speaks in channel some minutes after the join, new option irc.look.smart_filter_join_unmask (task #12405 )
The nick changes are tracked and will be unmasked with the join.
Events triggering the unmask of join are: a message (can be CTCP), a notice or
an update of topic.
2013-02-17 13:27:36 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
irc: fix memory leak in purge of hashtables with joins (it was done only for the first server in the list)
2013-02-16 10:00:28 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
aspell: optimization on spellers to improve speed (save state by buffer), add info "aspell_dict", add completion "aspell_dicts"
Two hashtables have been added to store the spellers currently used (in all
buffers) and info for each buffer: array with pointers to spellers and state of
aspell for this buffer.
Therefore the spellers are not destroyed and created again on each buffer switch,
or each time screen is refreshed when window is split.
2013-01-31 19:40:41 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: fix line returned when clicking on a bar (according to position and filling) (bug #38069 )
2013-01-12 09:31:57 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: add git version in build, display it in "weechat-curses --help" and /version
2012-12-16 23:07:33 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
api: allow creation of structure with hdata_update (allowed for hdata "history")
2012-12-08 23:54:07 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
irc: add support of tags in messages, add support of "server-time" capability (task #12255 )
For a server called "znc" in WeeChat, following command will enable the
"server-time" capability:
/set irc.server.znc.capabilities "znc.in/server-time"
2012-11-23 21:31:22 +01:00
Sebastien Helleu
core: add command /eval, use expression in conditions for bars, add function "string_eval_expression" in plugin API
2012-11-02 09:37:15 +01:00
Simon Arlott
api: connect with IPv6 by default in hook_connect (with fallback to IPv4), shuffle list of hosts for a same address (task #11205 )
2012-10-14 10:59:00 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
irc: add option "-noswitch" for command /join (task #12275 )
2012-10-09 21:33:09 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
doc: update hdata "irc_server" (add "disconnected") in plugin API reference
2012-10-06 17:11:25 +02:00
Peter Boström
irc: fix rejoin of channels with a key, ignore value "*" sent by server for key (bug #24131 )
2012-09-18 18:08:21 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
doc: update hdata "script_script" in plugin API reference
2012-09-04 13:23:12 +02:00
Sebastien Helleu
api: allow update for some variables of hdata, add new functions hdata_update and hdata_set
2012-08-27 09:47:46 +02:00