The library code used by this module is licensed under a non-free
license which is incompatible with the GPLv2. Combined with the
fact that it has been superceded by better algorithms like bcrypt
I have decided to remove it.
An alternate implementation of this algorithm is provided by the
m_hash_gnutls module if people *really* need to use it.
* Improve exemptchanops in inspircd.conf.example (<options>)
and modules.conf.example; along with both helpop examples.
* Add "the" to all "requires X module" in both helpop examples.
* Refer to customprefix instead of chanprotect and halfop.
* Add SNOMASK 'r' and 'R' (OPERLOG) to both helpop examples.
* Clean up unnecessarily split SNOMASK lines in both helpop examples.
* Move chmode 'g' to be in alphabetical order in both helpops examples.
* Specify the needed mask formats for TLINE in helpop-full example.
* Remove extra '\' in RLINE mask format in helpop-full example.
Force xml format in helpop-full
* Generalize "color codes" to "formatting codes"
* Fix file name in include for example helpop-full
Within the example configs, helpops, some server sent messages, and
simple code comments: change the primary usage of "gecos" to
"real name" (or "realname" where fitting).
This has been imported from inspircd-extras where it was known as
m_rehashsslsignal. The name has been changed slightly to match the
other modules which do SSL stuff (sslmodes, sslinfo).
Previously it had a list of upper case letters and assumed that all
other characters were lower case. This method is flawed as it can
be evaded by using non-alphanumeric characters.
The new method takes a list of lower case letters as well as upper
case letters and ignores any letters which are not listed in one of
the two lists.
The majority of the code for this was borrowed from the m_anticaps
module in inspircd-extras.
Sending history to some bots can cause problems as without the
IRCv3 chathistory batch they have no way of knowing what messages
are history and what they should respond to.
- Remind admins that not setting a DIE/RESTART password does not
disable use of those commands.
- Remove references to 1.2 and modules being able to create custom
logging methods. This was never implemented in the 2.0 branch.
- Remove references to an SASL improvement that was reverted.
- Update various InspIRCd website links to use HTTPS over HTTP.
- Update a link to the IRCv3 website to point to the new website.
This replaces the devoice module which has now been removed. If you
want users to be able to devoice themselves then you can load the
customprefix module add the following config tag:
<customprefix name="voice" depriv="yes">
If you wish to keep identical behaviour rather than allowing users
to use "MODE #YourChannel -v TheirNick" then you can load the alias
module and add the following config tag:
<alias text="DEVOICE" format="#*" replace="MODE $2 -v $nick">
When SASL is properly configured with a 'target' server, we are able
to inform the client when the message fails to send.
Currently if a target is configured and it is offline, no response is
sent. This can cause some clients to time out while waiting for a response.
If a target isn't configured, behaviour will not change with this commit.
The default of '*' will still send to all servers.
Updated example config with 'target' variable.
This removes the need to do lookups in the cgiirc module. This is
useful as relying on gateways to do proper DNS checks is unreliable
and has resulted in issues like 5fc4403f62. Its more sane if we do
our own lookups.
This change has been okayed by multiple WEBIRC gateway authors so
I don't think it will cause many problems.
These methods are not supported by any widely used gateways that I
can find. If your gateway uses this then you should rewrite it to
use the webirc method. For more details see the IRCv3 WEBIRC
specification at