When a user (U1) sends a PRIVMSG to a server (S1), which sends it to S2, which finally
sends it to S3 to send to U2, S2 doesn't send the tags it received on
the command from S1 to S3.
and RPL_ENDOFOMOTD from ircd-ratbox.
- Only send ERR_NOOPERMOTD in response to the command.
If no bind address was specified then one would be
created which had an incompatible address family to
the address that the server was trying to connect to.
This module has significant improvements on the previous one:
* Flags which actually make sense.
* Better compatibility with other SILENCE implementations.
* Support for blocking CTCPs.
* Support for blocking TAGMSGs.
1. Allow flags to be specified in lower case. This behaviour is
required by the draft-hardy-irc-isupport-00 specification.
2. Allow more than one constraint to be specified.
MaxMind have EOL'd the library that the geoip module uses and have
replaced it with libmaxminddb.
The geoip module has been split into geo_maxmind which provides
geolocation data, geoban which provides location-based channel
bans, and geoclass which is used to filter a user into a connect
class based on location.
- Merge the 2.0 extras module m_privdeaf (usermode +D for deaf to
user messages and notices) as they have a similar purpose.
- Improve the channel deaf logic where a known case of bypassing
still looped the channel userlist building an empty exemption list.
- Improve the comments within the code.
- Update the documentation with the previously undocumented
configuration to deaf and the new privdeaf configuration.
Oper-only channel modes are currently unsettable by any channel
op, oper or not. Correct this by checking both directions of an
oper-only channel mode and continue only checking the setting of
an oper-only user mode. As anyone should be able to unset their
own user modes and UnOper() removes all oper-only user modes