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# #
# ___ ___ ____ ____ _ #
# |_ _|_ __ ___ _ __|_ _| _ \ / ___|__| | #
# | || '_ \/ __| '_ \| || |_) | | / _` | #
# | || | | \__ \ |_) | || _ <| |__| (_| | #
# |___|_| |_|___/ .__/___|_| \_\\____\__,_| #
# |_| #
# ____ __ _ _ _ #
# / ___|___ _ __ / _(_) __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _| |_(_) ___ _ __ #
# | | / _ \| '_ \| |_| |/ _` | | | | '__/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ #
# | |__| (_) | | | | _| | (_| | |_| | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | #
# \____\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_| \__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| #
# |___/ #
# #
# #
# This is an example of the config file for InspIRCd. #
# Change the options to suit your network. #
# #
# #
# ____ _ _____ _ _ ____ _ _ _ #
# | _ \ ___ __ _ __| | |_ _| |__ (_)___ | __ )(_) |_| | #
# | |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _` | | | | '_ \| / __| | _ \| | __| | #
# | _ < __/ (_| | (_| | | | | | | | \__ \ | |_) | | |_|_| #
# |_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_| |_| |_| |_|_|___/ |____/|_|\__(_) #
# #
# Lines prefixed with READ THIS BIT, as shown above, are IMPORTANT #
# lines, and you REALLY SHOULD READ THEM. Yes, THIS MEANS YOU. Even #
# if you've configured InspIRCd before, these probably indicate #
# something new or different to this version and you SHOULD READ IT. #
# #
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# INCLUDE CONFIGURATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# This optional tag allows you to include another config file #
# allowing you to keep your configuration tidy. The configuration #
# file you include will be treated as part of the configuration file #
# which includes it, in simple terms the inclusion is transparent. #
# #
# All paths to config files are relative to the config directory. #
# #
# You may also include an executable file, in which case if you do so #
# the output of the executable on the standard output will be added #
# to your config at the point of the include tag. #
# #
# Syntax is as follows: #
#<include file="file.conf"> #
#<include directory="modules"> #
#<include executable="/path/to/executable parameters"> #
# #
# Executable include example: #
#<include executable="/usr/bin/wget -q -O -">
# #
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# VARIABLE DEFINITIONS -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# You can define variables that will be substituted later in the #
# configuration file. This can be useful to allow settings to be #
# easily changed, or to parameterize a remote includes. #
# #
# Variables may be redefined and may reference other variables. #
# Value expansion happens at the time the tag is read. #
# #
# See for a list of #
# predefined config variables. #
<define name="networkDomain" value="">
<define name="networkName" value="ExampleNet">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- SERVER DESCRIPTION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
# #
# Here is where you enter the information about your server. #
# #
# name: Hostname of your server. Does not need to resolve, but
# does need to be correct syntax (something.somethingelse.tld).
# description: Server description. Spaces are allowed.
description="&networkName; IRC server"
# id: The SID to use for this server. This should not be uncommented
# unless there is a SID conflict. This must be three characters long.
# The first character must be a digit [0-9], the remaining two chars
# may be letters [A-Z] or digits.
# network: Network name given on connect to clients.
# Should be the same on all servers on the network.
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- ADMIN INFORMATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# Configures the name and email of the server admin. #
# #
# name: The nickname, real name, or team name of the server admin(s).
name="Adam Inistrator"
# description: An optional description of the server admin(s).
description="Supreme Overlord"
# email: An email address at which the server admin(s) can be contacted
# in case of issues.
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- PORT CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
# #
# Configure the port and address bindings here. #
# #
# TLS listener that binds on a TCP/IP endpoint:
# address: IP address to bind to if the box that you are hosting
# on has more than one IP, else the ircd will try to bind to all
# IP's on the box if this is not defined.
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# port: Port for users or servers to be able to connect to. You can bind
# to multiple ports by separating them with commas and to a range with
# a dash (e.g. 6660-6667,7000).
# type: Type of bind block this is. It can either be clients or
# servers. Whichever you select will be the only type able to connect
# to this bind section.
# sslprofile: If you want the port(s) in this bind tag to use TLS, set this
# to the name of a custom <sslprofile> tag that you have defined. See the
# docs page for the TLS module you are using for more details:
# GnuTLS:
# OpenSSL:
# You will need to load the ssl_openssl module for OpenSSL and ssl_gnutls
# for GnuTLS.
# defer: When this is non-zero, connections will not be handed over to
# the daemon from the operating system before data is ready.
# In Linux, the value indicates the time period we'll wait for a
# connection to come up with data. Don't set it too low!
# In BSD the value is ignored; only zero and non-zero is possible.
# Windows ignores this parameter completely.
# Note: This does not take effect on rehash.
# To change it on a running bind, you'll have to comment it out,
# rehash, comment it in and rehash again.
# free: When this is enabled the listener will be created regardless of
# whether the interface that provides the bind address is available. This
# is useful for if you are starting InspIRCd on boot when the server may
# not have brought the network interfaces up yet.
# Plaintext listener that binds on a TCP/IP endpoint:
<bind address="" port="6667" type="clients">
# Listener that binds on a UNIX endpoint (not supported on Windows):
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# path: The location to store the UNIX socket. Relative to the data
2024-06-30 23:16:16 +01:00
# directory if not an absolute path.
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# type: Type of bind block this is. It can either be clients or
# servers. Whichever you select will be the only type able to connect
# to this bind section.
# permissions: The octal permissions to set on the UNIX socket after it has
# been created. If you are not familiar with octal permissions you should
# not define this or refer to for help.
# Note: This does not take effect on rehash.
# To change it on a running bind, you'll have to comment it out,
# rehash, comment it in and rehash again.
# replace: if the UNIX socket path already exists then remove it before
# attempting to create the new one. This is strongly recommended as it
# allows InspIRCd to create sockets in cases where it previously did not
# shut down cleanly and left a zombie socket behind.
# Listener accepting WebSocket connections.
2016-08-08 16:17:27 +02:00
# Requires the websocket module and SHA-1 hashing support (provided by the sha1
# module).
#<bind address="" port="7002" type="clients" hook="websocket">
# You must define a custom <sslprofile> tag which defines the TLS configuration
# for this listener. See the docs page for the TLS module you are using for
# more details.
# When linking servers, the OpenSSL and GnuTLS implementations are completely
# link-compatible and can be used alongside each other on each end of the link
# without any significant issues.
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- CONNECTIONS CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# This is where you can configure which connections are allowed #
# and denied access onto your server. The password is optional. #
# You may have as many of these as you require. To allow/deny all #
# connections, use a '*' or #
# #
# -- It is important to note that connect tags are read from the -- #
# TOP DOWN. This means that you should have more specific deny #
# and allow tags at the top, progressively more general, followed #
# by a <connect allow="*"> (should you wish to have one). #
# #
# Connect blocks are searched twice for each user - once when the TCP #
# connection is accepted, and once when the user completes their #
# connection. Most of the information (hostname, ident response, #
# password, TLS when using STARTTLS, etc) is only available during #
# the second search. If you are trying to make a closed server you #
# will probably need a connect block just for user connection. This #
# can be done by using <connect connected="no"> #
# To enable IRCCloud on your network uncomment this:
#<include file="&dir.example;/providers/irccloud.example.conf">
2019-06-17 11:52:57 +01:00
# A connect class with <connect:deny> set denies connections from the specified host/IP range.
# deny: Will not let people connect if they have specified host/IP.
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2019-06-17 11:52:57 +01:00
# reason: The message that users will see if they match a deny block.
reason="The 6bone address space is deprecated">
# A connect class with <connect:allow> set allows c from the specified host/IP range.
# name: Name to use for this connect block. Mainly used for
# connect class inheriting.
# parent: This setting is to specify if this connect class
# inherits settings from any other. Put the other class's name
# in here to use its settings as a template - for example, if
# you only want to adjust sendq and a password
# allow: The IP address or hostname of clients that can use this
# class. You can specify either an exact match, a glob match, or
# a CIDR range here.
# hash: the hash function this password is hashed with. Requires the
# module for the selected function (bcrypt, md5, sha1, or sha256) and
# the password hashing module (password_hash) to be loaded.
# You may also use any of the above other than bcrypt prefixed with
# either "hmac-" or "pbkdf2-hmac-" (requires the pbkdf2 module).
# Create hashed passwords with: /MKPASSWD <hashtype> <plaintext>
# password: Password to use for this block/user(s)
# maxchans: Maximum number of channels a user in this class
2020-03-28 23:28:53 -06:00
# can be in at one time.
# timeout: How long the server will wait before disconnecting
# a user if they do not do anything on connect.
# (Note, this is a client-side thing, if the client does not
# send /NICK, /USER or /PASS)
# localmax: Maximum local connections per IP (or CIDR mask, see below).
# globalmax: Maximum global (network-wide) connections per IP (or CIDR mask, see below).
# maxconnwarn: Enable warnings when localmax or globalmax are reached (defaults to yes)
# resolvehostnames: If disabled, no DNS lookups will be performed on connecting users
# in this class. This can save a lot of resources on very busy servers.
# useconnectban: Defines if users in this class should be exempt from connectban limits.
# This setting only has effect when the connectban module is loaded.
# useconnflood: Defines if users in this class should be exempt from connflood limits.
# This setting only has effect when the connflood module is loaded.
# usednsbl: Defines whether or not users in this class are subject to DNSBL. Default is yes.
# This setting only has effect when the dnsbl module is loaded.
# useident: Whether to try to look up the real username of users in this class using
# the RFC 1413 identification protocol.
# This setting only has effect when the ident module is loaded.
# usests: Whether a STS policy should be advertised to users in this class.
# This setting only has effect when the ircv3_sts module is loaded.
# webirc: Restricts usage of this class to the specified WebIRC gateway.
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# This setting only has effect when the gateway module is loaded.
# limit: How many users are allowed in this class
# modes: The modes to set on users in this class when they connect to
# the server. See for a list of
# user modes. The example below sets user modes c (deaf_commonchans)
# and x (cloak) which require the commonchans and cloak modules.
# This setting only has effect when the conn_umodes module is loaded.
# requireident: Require that users of this block have a valid ident response.
# Requires the ident module to be loaded.
# requiressl: Require that users of this block use a TLS connection.
# This can also be set to "trusted", as to only accept client certificates
# issued by a certificate authority that you can configure in the
# settings of the TLS module that you're using.
# Requires the sslinfo module to be loaded.
# requireaccount: Require that users of this block have authenticated to a
# user account.
# NOTE: You must complete the signon prior to full connection. Currently,
# this is only possible by using SASL authentication; passforward
# and PRIVMSG NickServ happen after your final connect block has been found.
# You can also set this to "nick" to require that users are logged into their
# current nickname.
# Requires the account module to be loaded.
# Alternate MOTD file for this connect class. The contents of this file are
# specified using <files secretmotd="filename"> or <execfiles ...>
# NOTE: the following escape sequences for IRC formatting characters can be
# used in your MOTD:
# Bold: \b
# Color: \c<fg>[,<bg>]
# Color (alt): \c{<fg>[,<bg>]}
# Hex Color: \h<fg>[,<bg>]
# Italic: \i
# Monospace: \m (not widely supported)
# Reset: \x
# Reverse: \r
# Strikethrough: \s (not widely supported)
# Underline: \u
# When using the alternate color syntax the following colors can be used:
# black, blue, brown, cyan, default, green, grey, light blue,
# light cyan, light green, light grey, magenta orange, pink,
# red, white, yellow.
# See for more information
# on client support for formatting characters.
# port: What port range this user is allowed to connect on. (optional)
# The ports MUST be set to listen in the bind blocks above.
# name: Name to use for this connect block. Mainly used for
# connect class inheriting.
# allow: The IP address or hostname of clients that can use this
# class. You can specify either an exact match, a glob match, or
# a CIDR range here.
# maxchans: Maximum number of channels a user in this class
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# can be in at one time.
# timeout: How long the server will wait before disconnecting
# a user if they do not do anything on connect.
# (Note, this is a client-side thing, if the client does not
# send /NICK, /USER or /PASS)
# pingfreq: How often the server tries to ping connecting clients.
# hardsendq: maximum amount of data allowed in a client's send queue
# before they are dropped. Keep this value higher than the length of
# your network's /LIST or /WHO output, or you will have lots of
# disconnects from sendq overruns!
# Setting this to "1M" is equivalent to "1048576", "8K" is 8192, etc.
# softsendq: amount of data in a client's send queue before the server
# begins delaying their commands in order to allow the sendq to drain
# recvq: amount of data allowed in a client's queue before they are dropped.
# Entering "10K" is equivalent to "10240", see above.
# threshold: This specifies the amount of command penalty a user is allowed to have
# before being quit or fakelagged due to flood. Normal commands have a penalty of 1,
# ones such as /OPER have penalties up to 10.
# If you are not using fakelag, this should be at least 20 to avoid excess flood kills
# from processing some commands.
# commandrate: This specifies the maximum rate that commands can be processed.
# If commands are sent more rapidly, the user's penalty will increase and they will
# either be fakelagged or killed when they reach the threshold
# Units are millicommands per second, so 1000 means one line per second.
# fakelag: Use fakelag instead of killing users for excessive flood
# Fake lag stops command processing for a user when a flood is detected rather than
# immediately killing them; their commands are held in the recvq and processed later
# as the user's command penalty drops. Note that if this is enabled, flooders will
# quit with "RecvQ exceeded" rather than "Excess Flood".
# localmax: Maximum local connections per IP.
# globalmax: Maximum global (network-wide) connections per IP.
# resolvehostnames: If disabled, no DNS lookups will be performed on connecting users
# in this class. This can save a lot of resources on very busy servers.
# useident: Whether to try to look up the real username of users in this class using
# the RFC 1413 identification protocol.
# This setting only has effect when the ident module is loaded.
# usests: Whether a STS policy should be advertised to users in this class.
# This setting only has effect when the ircv3_sts module is loaded.
# limit: How many users are allowed in this class
# modes: The modes to set on users in this class when they connect to
# the server. See for a list of
# user modes. The example below sets user modes c (deaf_commonchans)
# and x (cloak) which require the commonchans and cloak modules.
# This setting only has effect when the conn_umodes module is loaded.
2019-06-17 11:52:57 +01:00
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- CIDR CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
# #
# CIDR configuration allows detection of clones and applying of #
# throttle limits across a CIDR range. (A CIDR range is a group of #
# IPs, for example, the CIDR range may be #
# represented as This means that abuse across an ISP #
# is detected and curtailed much easier. Here is a good chart that #
# shows how many IPs the different CIDRs correspond to: #
# #
# #
# #
# ipv4clone: specifies how many bits of an IP address should be
# looked at for clones. The default only looks for clones on a
# single IP address of a user. You do not want to set this
# extremely low. (Values are 0-32).
# ipv6clone: specifies how many bits of an IP address should be
# looked at for clones. The default only looks for clones on a
# single IP address of a user. You do not want to set this
# extremely low. (Values are 0-128).
# This file has all the information about oper classes, types and o:lines.
# You *MUST* edit it.
#<include file="&dir.example;/opers.example.conf">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- MISCELLANEOUS CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# Files block - contains files whose contents are used by the ircd
# motd - displayed on connect and when a user executes /MOTD
# Modules can also define their own files
<files motd="&dir.example;/motd.example.txt">
# Example of an executable file include. Note this will be read on rehash,
# not when the command is run.
2018-04-21 12:04:43 +01:00
#<execfiles motd="wget -O -">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# DNS SERVER -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# If these values are not defined, InspIRCd uses the default DNS resolver
# of your system.
# server: DNS server to use to attempt to resolve IP's to hostnames.
# in most cases, you won't need to change this, as inspircd will
# automatically detect the nameserver depending on /etc/resolv.conf
# (or, on Windows, your set nameservers in the registry.)
# Note that this must be an IP address and not a hostname, because
# there is no resolver to resolve the name until this is defined!
# server=""
# timeout: time to wait to try to resolve DNS/hostname.
# An example of using an IPv6 nameserver
#<dns server="::1" timeout="5">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# PID FILE -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# Define the path to the PID file here. The PID file can be used to #
# rehash the ircd from the shell or to terminate the ircd from the #
# shell using shell scripts, perl scripts, etc... and to monitor the #
# ircd's state via cron jobs. If this is a relative path, it will be #
# relative to the runtime directory, and if it is not defined, the #
# default of '' is used. #
# #
#<pid file="">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- LIST MODE LIMITS #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# The <maxlist> tag is used customise the maximum number of each list #
# mode that can be set on a channel. #
# The tags are read from top to bottom and the list mode limit from #
# the first tag found which matches the channel name and mode type is #
# applied to that channel. #
# It is advisable to put an entry with the channel as '*' at the #
# bottom of the list. If none are specified or no maxlist tag is #
# matched, the banlist size defaults to 100 entries. #
# #
# Allows #largechan to have up to 200 ban entries.
#<maxlist mode="ban" chan="#largechan" limit="200">
# Allows #largechan to have up to 200 ban exception entries.
#<maxlist mode="e" chan="#largechan" limit="200">
# Allows all channels and list modes not previously matched to have
# up to 100 entries.
<maxlist chan="*" limit="100">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- SERVER OPTIONS -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# Settings to define which features are usable on your server. #
# #
# prefixquit: What (if anything) users' quit messages
# should be prefixed with.
prefixquit="Quit: "
# suffixquit: What (if anything) users' quit messages
# should be suffixed with.
# prefixpart: What (if anything) users' part messages
# should be prefixed with.
# suffixpart: What (if anything) users' part message
# should be suffixed with.
# fixedquit: Set all users' quit messages to this value.
# fixedpart: Set all users' part messages in all channels
# to this value.
# syntaxhints: If enabled, if a user fails to send the correct parameters
# for a command, the ircd will give back some help text of what
# the correct parameters are.
# cyclehostsfromuser: If enabled, the source of the mode change for
# cyclehosts will be the user who cycled. This can look nicer, but
# triggers anti-takeover mechanisms of some obsolete bots.
2010-08-13 21:18:05 -04:00
# announcets: If set to yes, when the timestamp on a channel changes, all users
# in the channel will be sent a NOTICE about it.
# allowmismatch: Setting this option to yes will allow servers to link even
# if they don't have the same "optionally common" modules loaded. Setting this to
# yes may introduce some desyncs and unwanted behaviour.
# defaultbind: Sets the default for <bind> tags without an address. Choices are
# ipv4 or ipv6; if not specified, IPv6 will be used if your system has support,
# falling back to IPv4 otherwise.
# maskinlist: If enabled then channels will show the nick!user@host of a list
# mode setter in the mode list instead of just the nick of the list mode setter.
# maskintopic: If enabled then channels will show the nick!user@host of the topic
# setter in the topic instead of just the nick of the topic setter.
# pingwarning: If a server does not respond to a ping within this period,
# it will send a notice to opers with snomask +l informing that the server
# is about to ping timeout.
# serverpingfreq: How often pings are sent between servers.
# splitwhois: Whether to split private/secret channels from normal channels
# in WHOIS responses. Possible values for this are:
# 'no' - list all channels together in the WHOIS response regardless of type.
# 'split' - split private/secret channels to a separate WHOIS response numeric.
# 'splitmsg' - the same as split but also send a message explaining the split.
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# defaultmodes: The modes to set on a channel when it is created. See
# for a list of channel
2023-07-06 15:07:33 +01:00
# modes. If a prefix mode is included in this option it will be set on
# the user that created the channel. The example below sets channel
# modes n (noextmsg) and t (topiclock) and grants channel prefix mode
# o (op) to the channel creator.
# xlinemessage: This is the text that is sent to a user when they are
# banned from the server.
xlinemessage="You're banned! Email irc@&networkDomain; with the ERROR line below for help."
# xlinequit: The quit message to show to opers and affected users when
# a user is [KGZ]-lined. The variables you can use in this are:
# %created% - The date/time at which the X-line was created.
# %duration% - The duration of the X-line.
# %expiry% - The date/time at which the X-line expires.
# %fulltype% - The type of X-line which was matched, suffixed with
# "-lined" if its name is one or two characters.
# %reason% - The reason the X-line was added.
# %remaining% - The duration remaining on the X-line.
# %setter% - The name of the X-line setter.
# %type% - The type of X-line which was matched.
xlinequit="%fulltype%: %reason%"
# modesinlist: Whether to show the current channel modes in the /LIST
# output. Can be set to any one of:
# - yes Show the current channel modes to all users.
# - opers Show the current channel modes to server operators with the
# channels/auspex privilege. This is the default.
# - no Do not show the current channel modes in /LIST.
# extbanformat: The method to use for normalising extbans. Can be set
# to one of:
# - any Do not perform any extban normalisation.
# - name Normalise extbans to use their name.
# - letter Normalise extbans to use their letter. This is useful for
# if you need to keep compatibility with v3.
# Defaults to "any" if not set.
# exemptchanops: Allows users with with a status mode to be exempt
# from various channel restrictions. Possible restrictions are:
2019-05-06 05:14:05 +02:00
# - anticaps Channel mode +B - blocks messages with too many capital
# letters (requires the anticaps module).
# - auditorium-see Permission required to see the full user list of
# a +u channel (requires the auditorium module).
# - auditorium-vis Permission required to be visible in a +u channel
# (requires the auditorium module).
# - blockcaps Channel mode +B - blocks messages with too many capital
# letters (requires the blockcaps module).
# - blockcolor Channel mode +c - blocks messages with formatting codes
# (requires the blockcolor module).
# - delaymsg Channel mode +d - blocks sending messages until specified
# seconds have passed since user join
# - filter Channel mode +g - blocks messages containing the given
# glob mask (requires the chanfilter module).
# - flood Channel mode +f - kicks (and bans) on text flood of a
# specified rate (requires the messageflood module).
# - nickflood Channel mode +F - blocks nick changes after a specified
# rate (requires the nickflood module).
# - noctcp Channel mode +C - blocks any CTCPs to the channel
# (requires the noctcp module).
# - nonick Channel mode +N - prevents users on the channel from
# changing nicks (requires the nonicks module).
# - nonotice Channel mode +T - blocks /NOTICEs to the channel
# (requires the nonotice module).
# - regmoderated Channel mode +M - blocks unregistered users from
# speaking (requires the account module).
# - stripcolor Channel mode +S - strips formatting codes from
# messages (requires the stripcolor module).
# - topiclock Channel mode +t - limits changing the topic to (half)ops
# You can also configure this on a per-channel basis with a channel mode and
# even negate the configured exemptions below.
# See exemptchanops in modules.example.conf for more details.
exemptchanops="filter:o nickflood:o nonick:v regmoderated:o"
# invitebypassmodes: This allows /INVITE to bypass other channel modes.
# (Such as +k, +j, +l, etc.)
# nosnoticestack: This prevents snotices from 'stacking' and giving you
# the message saying '(last message repeated X times)'. Defaults to no.
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# PERFORMANCE CONFIGURATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# netbuffersize: Size of the buffer used to receive data from clients.
# The ircd may only read this amount of text in 1 go at any time.
# somaxconn: The maximum number of connections that may be waiting
# in the accept queue. This is *NOT* the total maximum number of
# connections per server. Some systems may only allow this to be up
# to 5, while others (such as Linux and *BSD) default to 128.
# Setting this above the limit imposed by your OS can have undesired
# effects.
# softlimit: This optional feature allows a defined softlimit for
# connections. If defined, it sets a soft max connections value.
# clonesonconnect: If this is set to no, we won't check for clones
# on initial connection, but only after the DNS check is done.
# This can be useful where your main class is more restrictive
# than some other class a user can be assigned after DNS lookup is complete.
# Turning this option off will make the server spend more time on users we may
2020-04-21 06:34:17 +00:00
# potentially not want. Normally this should be negligible, though.
# Default value is yes
# timeskipwarn: The time period that a server clock can jump by before
# operators will be warned that the server is having performance issues.
# quietbursts: When syncing or splitting from a network, a server
# can generate a lot of connect and quit messages to opers with
# +C and +Q snomasks. Setting this to yes squelches those messages,
# which makes it easier for opers, but degrades the functionality of
# bots like BOPM during netsplits.
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# SECURITY CONFIGURATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# announceinvites: This option controls which members of the channel
# receive an announcement when someone is INVITEd. Available values:
# 'none' - don't send invite announcements
# 'all' - send invite announcements to all members
# 'ops' - send invite announcements to ops and higher ranked users
# 'dynamic' - send invite announcements to halfops (if available) and
# higher ranked users. This is the recommended setting.
# hideservices: If this value is set to yes, services servers will
# be hidden from non-opers in /LINKS and /MAP.
# flatlinks: If this value is set to yes, /MAP and /LINKS will
# be flattened when shown to non-opers.
# hideserver: When defined, the given text will be used in place
# of the server name in public messages. As with <server:name> this
# does not need to resolve but does need to be a valid hostname.
# NOTE: enabling this will cause users' idle times to only be shown
# when a remote whois (/WHOIS <nick> <nick>) is used.
# publicxlinequit: The quit message to show to unprivileged users when
# a user is [KGZ]-lined. The variables you can use in this are:
# %created% - The date/time at which the X-line was created.
# %duration% - The duration of the X-line.
# %expiry% - The date/time at which the X-line expires.
# %fulltype% - The type of X-line which was matched, suffixed with
# "-lined" if its name is one or two characters.
# %reason% - The reason the X-line was added.
# %remaining% - The duration remaining on the X-line.
# %setter% - The name of the X-line setter.
# %type% - The type of X-line which was matched.
# hidekills: If defined, replaces who executed a /KILL with a custom string.
# hideservicekills: Hide kills from clients of services servers from server notices.
# hidesplits: If enabled, non-opers will not be able to see which
# servers split in a netsplit, they will only be able to see that one
# occurred (If their client has netsplit detection).
# maxtargets: Maximum number of targets per command.
# (Commands like /NOTICE, /PRIVMSG, /KICK, etc)
# customversion: A custom message to be displayed in the comments field
# of the VERSION command response. This does not hide the InspIRCd version.
# runasuser: If this is set, InspIRCd will attempt to switch
# to run as this user, which allows binding of ports under 1024.
# You should NOT set this unless you are starting as root.
# runasgroup: If this is set, InspIRCd will attempt to switch
# to run as this group, which allows binding of ports under 1024.
# You should NOT set this unless you are starting as root.
# restrictbannedusers: If this is set to yes, InspIRCd will not allow users
# banned on a channel to change nickname or message channels they are
# banned on. This can also be set to silent to restrict the user but not
# notify them.
# genericoper: Setting this value to yes makes all opers on this server
# appear as 'is a server operator' in their WHOIS, regardless of their
# oper type, however oper types are still used internally. This only
# affects the display in WHOIS.
# userstats: /STATS commands that users can run (opers can run all).
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# LIMITS CONFIGURATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# This configuration tag defines the maximum sizes of various types #
# on IRC, such as the maximum length of a channel name, and the #
# maximum length of a channel. These values should match network-wide #
# otherwise issues will occur. #
# #
# The highest safe value you can set any of these options to is 500, #
# but it is recommended that you keep them somewhat #
# near their defaults (or lower). #
# maxaway: Maximum length of an away message.
# maxchan: Maximum length of a channel name.
# maxhost: Maximum length of a hostname.
# maxuser: Maximum length of a username.
# maxkey: Maximum length of a channel key.
# maxkick: Maximum length of a kick message.
# maxmodes: Maximum number of mode changes per line.
# maxnick: Maximum length of a nickname.
# maxquit: Maximum length of a quit message.
2021-07-24 11:29:54 +01:00
# maxreal: Maximum length of a real name.
# maxtopic: Maximum length of a channel topic.
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# PATHS CONFIGURATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# This configuration tag defines the location that InspIRCd stores #
# various types of files such as configuration files, log files and #
# modules. You will probably not need to change these from the values #
# set when InspIRCd was built unless you are using a binary package #
# where you do not have the ability to set build time configuration. #
#<path configdir="conf" datadir="data" logdir="logs" moduledir="modules">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# LOGGING CONFIGURATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# The <log> tag allows you to define a list of targets to write log #
# messages to. #
# #
# method - The method to use when logging. This can be set to "file" #
# to log to a file, "stderr" to log to the standard error #
# stream, or "stdout" to log to the standard output stream. #
# You can also set it to a log method provided by a module. #
# #
# level - The level of messages to write to this logger. Can be set #
# to "error", "warning", "normal", or "debug". #
# #
# type - A space-delimited list of log types to write to this logger. #
# See for a #
# full list of log types. You can also use * to include every #
# log type and then -TYPE to exclude specific unwanted types. #
# #
# target - If the method is set to "file" then the name of the file #
# to write log messages to. #
<log method="file"
#<log method="stderr"
# level="normal"
#<log method="stdout"
# level="normal"
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- WHOWAS OPTIONS -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# This tag lets you define the behaviour of the /WHOWAS command of #
# your server. #
# #
# groupsize: Maximum entries per nick shown when performing
# a /WHOWAS <nick>. Defaults to 10.
# maxgroups: Maximum number of nickgroups that can be added to
# the list so that /WHOWAS does not use a lot of resources on
# large networks. Defaults to 10000.
# maxkeep: Maximum time a nick is kept in the whowas list
# before being pruned. Time may be specified in seconds,
# or in the following format: 1y2w3d4h5m6s. Minimum is
# 1 hour. Defaults to 7 days.
# nickupdate: Whether to update the WHOWAS database on nick
# change as well as quit. This can significantly increase the
# memory usage of your IRC server so it is not recommended
# for large networks. Defaults to yes.
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- BAN OPTIONS -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# The ban tags define nick masks, host masks and ip ranges which are #
# banned from your server. All details in these tags are local to #
# Your server. #
# #
# ipmask: IP range to ban. Wildcards and CIDR can be used.
# reason: Reason to display when user is disconnected.
reason="No porn here thanks.">
# nick: Nick to disallow. Wildcards are supported.
# reason: Reason to display on /NICK.
reason="Don't use this nick.">
# host: username@hostname to ban.
# Wildcards and CIDR (if you specify an IP) can be used.
# reason: Reason to display when user is disconnected
reason="Evading Bans">
<badhost host="root@*" reason="Don't IRC as root!">
<badhost host="*@" reason="This subnet is bad.">
# exception: Hosts that are exempt from [KGZ]-lines.
# host: username@hostname to exempt.
# Wildcards and CIDR (if you specify an IP) can be used.
# reason: Reason for exception. Only shown in /STATS e.
reason="Oper's hostname">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- INSANE BAN OPTIONS -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# This optional tag allows you to specify how wide a G-line, E-line, #
# K-line, Z-line or Q-line can be before it is forbidden from being #
# set. By setting hostmasks="yes", you can allow all G-, K-, E-lines, #
# no matter how many users the ban would cover. This is not #
# recommended! By setting ipmasks="yes", you can allow all Z-lines, #
# no matter how many users these cover too. Needless to say we #
# don't recommend you do this, or, set nickmasks="yes", which will #
# allow any Q-line. #
# #
# hostmasks: Allow bans with insane hostmasks. (over-reaching bans)
# ipmasks: Allow bans with insane ipmasks. (over-reaching bans)
# nickmasks: Allow bans with insane nickmasks. (over-reaching bans)
# trigger: What percentage of users on the network to trigger
# specifying an insane ban as. The default is 95.5%, which means
# if you have a 1000 user network, a ban will not be allowed if it
# will be banning 955 or more users.
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# MODULES #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# ____ _ _____ _ _ ____ _ _ _ #
# | _ \ ___ __ _ __| | |_ _| |__ (_)___ | __ )(_) |_| | #
# | |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _` | | | | '_ \| / __| | _ \| | __| | #
# | _ < __/ (_| | (_| | | | | | | | \__ \ | |_) | | |_|_| #
# |_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_| |_| |_| |_|_|___/ |____/|_|\__(_) #
# #
# Well done, you've reached the end of the basic configuration, your #
# ircd should now start if you want to try it out! (./inspircd start) #
# #
# We now suggest you read and edit modules.conf, as modules are what #
# provide almost all the features of InspIRCd. :) #
# #
# The default does nothing -- we include it for simplicity for you. #
#<include file="&dir.example;/modules.example.conf">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# SERVICES CONFIGURATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# If you use services you will probably want to include one of the #
# following files which set up aliases, nick reservations and filter #
# exemptions for services pseudoclients: #
# Anope users should uncomment this:
#<include file="&dir.example;/services/anope.example.conf">
# Atheme users should uncomment this:
#<include file="&dir.example;/services/atheme.example.conf">
# Users of other services should uncomment this:
#<include file="&dir.example;/services/generic.example.conf">
# #
# - InspIRCd Development Team - #
# #
# #