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* InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon
2021-08-27 09:38:22 +01:00
* Copyright (C) 2021 Herman <>
2020-01-11 22:02:47 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2019 linuxdaemon <>
* Copyright (C) 2018 systocrat <>
* Copyright (C) 2018 Dylan Frank <>
2021-02-26 06:58:13 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2013, 2016-2021 Sadie Powell <>
2020-01-11 22:02:47 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Vassdal <>
* Copyright (C) 2013 ChrisTX <>
* Copyright (C) 2013 Adam <>
* Copyright (C) 2012-2016, 2018 Attila Molnar <>
* Copyright (C) 2012, 2019 Robby <>
* Copyright (C) 2012 DjSlash <>
* Copyright (C) 2011 jackmcbarn <>
2021-05-14 14:48:39 +01:00
* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Daniel De Graaf <>
2020-01-11 22:02:47 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2009 Uli Schlachter <>
* Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Stagner <>
2020-01-11 22:02:47 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2008 John Brooks <>
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Dennis Friis <>
2021-03-05 02:04:16 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Robin Burchell <>
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2006-2009 Craig Edwards <>
* This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "inspircd.h"
#include "xline.h"
ClientProtocol::MessageList LocalUser::sendmsglist;
bool User::IsNoticeMaskSet(unsigned char sm)
if (!isalpha(sm))
return false;
return (snomasks[sm-65]);
bool User::IsModeSet(unsigned char m) const
ModeHandler* mh = ServerInstance->Modes->FindMode(m, MODETYPE_USER);
return (mh && modes[mh->GetId()]);
std::string User::GetModeLetters(bool includeparams) const
std::string ret(1, '+');
std::string params;
for (unsigned char i = 'A'; i <= 'z'; i++)
const ModeHandler* const mh = ServerInstance->Modes.FindMode(i, MODETYPE_USER);
if ((!mh) || (!IsModeSet(mh)))
if ((includeparams) && (mh->NeedsParam(true)))
const std::string val = mh->GetUserParameter(this);
if (!val.empty())
params.append(1, ' ').append(val);
ret += params;
return ret;
User::User(const std::string& uid, Server* srv, UserType type)
: age(ServerInstance->Time())
, signon(0)
, uuid(uid)
, server(srv)
, registered(REG_NONE)
, quitting(false)
, usertype(type)
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("USERS", LOG_DEBUG, "New UUID for user: %s", uuid.c_str());
if (srv->IsULine())
// Do not insert FakeUsers into the uuidlist so FindUUID() won't return them which is the desired behavior
if (type != USERTYPE_SERVER)
if (!ServerInstance->Users.uuidlist.insert(std::make_pair(uuid, this)).second)
throw CoreException("Duplicate UUID in User constructor: " + uuid);
LocalUser::LocalUser(int myfd, irc::sockets::sockaddrs* client, irc::sockets::sockaddrs* servaddr)
: User(ServerInstance->UIDGen.GetUID(), ServerInstance->FakeClient->server, USERTYPE_LOCAL)
, eh(this)
, serializer(NULL)
, bytes_in(0)
, bytes_out(0)
, cmds_in(0)
, cmds_out(0)
, quitting_sendq(false)
, lastping(true)
, exempt(false)
, nextping(0)
, idle_lastmsg(0)
, CommandFloodPenalty(0)
, already_sent(0)
signon = ServerInstance->Time();
// The user's default nick is their UUID
nick = uuid;
ident = uuid;
memcpy(&client_sa, client, sizeof(irc::sockets::sockaddrs));
memcpy(&server_sa, servaddr, sizeof(irc::sockets::sockaddrs));
ChangeRealHost(GetIPString(), true);
2019-10-18 13:53:51 +01:00
LocalUser::LocalUser(int myfd, const std::string& uid, Serializable::Data& data)
: User(uid, ServerInstance->FakeClient->server, USERTYPE_LOCAL)
, eh(this)
, already_sent(0)
const std::string& User::MakeHost()
if (!this->cached_makehost.empty())
return this->cached_makehost;
this->cached_makehost = ident + "@" + GetRealHost();
return this->cached_makehost;
const std::string& User::MakeHostIP()
if (!this->cached_hostip.empty())
return this->cached_hostip;
this->cached_hostip = ident + "@" + this->GetIPString();
return this->cached_hostip;
const std::string& User::GetFullHost()
if (!this->cached_fullhost.empty())
return this->cached_fullhost;
this->cached_fullhost = nick + "!" + ident + "@" + GetDisplayedHost();
return this->cached_fullhost;
const std::string& User::GetFullRealHost()
if (!this->cached_fullrealhost.empty())
return this->cached_fullrealhost;
this->cached_fullrealhost = nick + "!" + ident + "@" + GetRealHost();
return this->cached_fullrealhost;
bool User::HasModePermission(const ModeHandler* mh) const
return true;
bool LocalUser::HasModePermission(const ModeHandler* mh) const
if (!this->IsOper())
return false;
const unsigned char mode = mh->GetModeChar();
if (!ModeParser::IsModeChar(mode))
2019-04-19 10:42:17 +01:00
return false;
return ((mh->GetModeType() == MODETYPE_USER ? oper->AllowedUserModes : oper->AllowedChanModes))[(mode - 'A')];
* users on remote servers can completely bypass all permissions based checks.
* This prevents desyncs when one server has different type/class tags to another.
* That having been said, this does open things up to the possibility of source changes
* allowing remote kills, etc - but if they have access to the src, they most likely have
* access to the conf - so it's an end to a means either way.
bool User::HasCommandPermission(const std::string&)
return true;
bool LocalUser::HasCommandPermission(const std::string& command)
// are they even an oper at all?
if (!this->IsOper())
return false;
return oper->AllowedOperCommands.Contains(command);
bool User::HasPrivPermission(const std::string& privstr)
return true;
bool LocalUser::HasPrivPermission(const std::string& privstr)
if (!this->IsOper())
return false;
return oper->AllowedPrivs.Contains(privstr);
bool User::HasSnomaskPermission(char chr) const
return true;
bool LocalUser::HasSnomaskPermission(char chr) const
if (!this->IsOper() || !ModeParser::IsModeChar(chr))
return false;
return this->oper->AllowedSnomasks[chr - 'A'];
void UserIOHandler::OnDataReady()
if (user->quitting)
if (recvq.length() > user->MyClass->GetRecvqMax() && !user->HasPrivPermission("users/flood/increased-buffers"))
ServerInstance->Users->QuitUser(user, "RecvQ exceeded");
ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('a', "User %s RecvQ of %lu exceeds connect class maximum of %lu",
user->nick.c_str(), (unsigned long)recvq.length(), user->MyClass->GetRecvqMax());
unsigned long sendqmax = ULONG_MAX;
if (!user->HasPrivPermission("users/flood/increased-buffers"))
sendqmax = user->MyClass->GetSendqSoftMax();
unsigned long penaltymax = ULONG_MAX;
if (!user->HasPrivPermission("users/flood/no-fakelag"))
penaltymax = user->MyClass->GetPenaltyThreshold() * 1000;
// The cleaned message sent by the user or empty if not found yet.
std::string line;
// The position of the most \n character or npos if not found yet.
std::string::size_type eolpos;
// The position within the recvq of the current character.
std::string::size_type qpos;
while (user->CommandFloodPenalty < penaltymax && getSendQSize() < sendqmax)
// Check the newly received data for an EOL.
eolpos = recvq.find('\n', checked_until);
if (eolpos == std::string::npos)
checked_until = recvq.length();
// We've found a line! Clean it up and move it to the line buffer.
for (qpos = 0; qpos < eolpos; ++qpos)
char c = recvq[qpos];
switch (c)
case '\0':
c = ' ';
case '\r':
// just found a newline. Terminate the string, and pull it out of recvq
recvq.erase(0, eolpos + 1);
checked_until = 0;
// TODO should this be moved to when it was inserted in recvq?
ServerInstance->stats.Recv += qpos;
user->bytes_in += qpos;
ServerInstance->Parser.ProcessBuffer(user, line);
if (user->quitting)
// clear() does not reclaim memory associated with the string, so our .reserve() call is safe
if (user->CommandFloodPenalty >= penaltymax && !user->MyClass->fakelag)
ServerInstance->Users->QuitUser(user, "Excess Flood");
void UserIOHandler::AddWriteBuf(const std::string &data)
if (user->quitting_sendq)
if (!user->quitting && getSendQSize() + data.length() > user->MyClass->GetSendqHardMax() &&
user->quitting_sendq = true;
// We still want to append data to the sendq of a quitting user,
// e.g. their ERROR message that says 'closing link'
void UserIOHandler::SwapInternals(UserIOHandler& other)
std::swap(checked_until, other.checked_until);
bool UserIOHandler::OnSetEndPoint(const irc::sockets::sockaddrs& server, const irc::sockets::sockaddrs& client)
memcpy(&user->server_sa, &server, sizeof(irc::sockets::sockaddrs));
return !user->quitting;
void UserIOHandler::OnError(BufferedSocketError sockerr)
ModResult res;
FIRST_MOD_RESULT(OnConnectionFail, res, (user, sockerr));
if (res != MOD_RES_ALLOW)
ServerInstance->Users->QuitUser(user, getError());
CullResult User::cull()
if (!quitting)
ServerInstance->Users->QuitUser(this, "Culled without QuitUser");
if ( != AF_UNSPEC)
if (server->IsULine())
stdalgo::erase(ServerInstance->Users->all_ulines, this);
return Extensible::cull();
CullResult LocalUser::cull()
return User::cull();
CullResult FakeUser::cull()
// Fake users don't quit, they just get culled.
quitting = true;
// Fake users are not inserted into UserManager::clientlist or uuidlist, so we don't need to modify those here
return User::cull();
void User::Oper(OperInfo* info)
ModeHandler* opermh = ServerInstance->Modes->FindMode('o', MODETYPE_USER);
if (opermh)
if (this->IsModeSet(opermh))
this->SetMode(opermh, true);
this->oper = info;
LocalUser* localuser = IS_LOCAL(this);
if (localuser)
Modes::ChangeList changelist;
ClientProtocol::Events::Mode modemsg(ServerInstance->FakeClient, NULL, localuser, changelist);
FOREACH_MOD(OnOper, (this, info->name));
std::string opername;
if (info->oper_block)
opername = info->oper_block->getString("name");
ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('o', "%s (%s@%s) is now a server operator of type %s (using oper '%s')",
nick.c_str(), ident.c_str(), GetRealHost().c_str(), oper->name.c_str(), opername.c_str());
this->WriteNumeric(RPL_YOUAREOPER, InspIRCd::Format("You are now %s %s", strchr("aeiouAEIOU", oper->name[0]) ? "an" : "a", oper->name.c_str()));
// Expand permissions from config for faster lookup
if (localuser)
FOREACH_MOD(OnPostOper, (this, oper->name, opername));
bool ParseModeList(std::bitset<64>& modeset, ConfigTag* tag, const std::string& field)
std::string modes;
bool hasmodes = tag->readString(field, modes);
for (std::string::const_iterator iter = modes.begin(); iter != modes.end(); ++iter)
const char& chr = *iter;
if (chr == '*')
else if (ModeParser::IsModeChar(chr))
modeset.set(chr - 'A');
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("CONFIG", LOG_DEFAULT, "'%c' is not a valid value for <class:%s>, ignoring...", chr, field.c_str());
return hasmodes;
void OperInfo::init()
AllowedUserModes['o' - 'A'] = true; // Call me paranoid if you want.
bool defaultsnomasks = true;
for(std::vector<reference<ConfigTag> >::iterator iter = class_blocks.begin(); iter != class_blocks.end(); ++iter)
ConfigTag* tag = *iter;
ParseModeList(AllowedChanModes, tag, "chanmodes");
ParseModeList(AllowedUserModes, tag, "usermodes");
if (ParseModeList(AllowedSnomasks, tag, "snomasks"))
defaultsnomasks = false;
// Compatibility for older configs that don't have the snomasks field.
if (defaultsnomasks)
void User::UnOper()
if (!this->IsOper())
* unset their oper type (what IS_OPER checks).
* note, order is important - this must come before modes as -o attempts
* to call UnOper. -- w00t
oper = NULL;
// Remove the user from the oper list
stdalgo::vector::swaperase(ServerInstance->Users->all_opers, this);
// If the user is quitting we shouldn't remove any modes as it results in
// mode messages being broadcast across the network.
if (quitting)
/* Remove all oper only modes from the user when the deoper - Bug #466*/
Modes::ChangeList changelist;
const ModeParser::ModeHandlerMap& usermodes = ServerInstance->Modes->GetModes(MODETYPE_USER);
for (ModeParser::ModeHandlerMap::const_iterator i = usermodes.begin(); i != usermodes.end(); ++i)
ModeHandler* mh = i->second;
if (mh->NeedsOper())
ServerInstance->Modes->Process(this, NULL, this, changelist);
ModeHandler* opermh = ServerInstance->Modes->FindMode('o', MODETYPE_USER);
if (opermh)
this->SetMode(opermh, false);
2018-04-21 12:04:43 +01:00
FOREACH_MOD(OnPostDeoper, (this));
* Check class restrictions
void LocalUser::CheckClass(bool clone_count)
ConnectClass* a = this->MyClass;
if (!a)
ServerInstance->Users->QuitUser(this, "Access denied by configuration");
else if (a->type == CC_DENY)
ServerInstance->Users->QuitUser(this, a->config->getString("reason", "Unauthorised connection", 1));
else if (clone_count)
const UserManager::CloneCounts& clonecounts = ServerInstance->Users->GetCloneCounts(this);
if ((a->GetMaxLocal()) && (clonecounts.local > a->GetMaxLocal()))
ServerInstance->Users->QuitUser(this, "No more connections allowed from your host via this connect class (local)");
if (a->maxconnwarn)
ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('a', "WARNING: maximum local connections for the %s class (%ld) exceeded by %s",
a->name.c_str(), a->GetMaxLocal(), this->GetIPString().c_str());
else if ((a->GetMaxGlobal()) && ( > a->GetMaxGlobal()))
ServerInstance->Users->QuitUser(this, "No more connections allowed from your host via this connect class (global)");
if (a->maxconnwarn)
ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('a', "WARNING: maximum global connections for the %s class (%ld) exceeded by %s",
a->name.c_str(), a->GetMaxGlobal(), this->GetIPString().c_str());
this->nextping = ServerInstance->Time() + a->GetPingTime();
bool LocalUser::CheckLines(bool doZline)
const char* check[] = { "G" , "K", (doZline) ? "Z" : NULL, NULL };
if (!this->exempt)
for (int n = 0; check[n]; ++n)
XLine *r = ServerInstance->XLines->MatchesLine(check[n], this);
if (r)
return true;
return false;
void LocalUser::FullConnect()
this->idle_lastmsg = ServerInstance->Time();
* You may be thinking "wtf, we checked this in User::AddClient!" - and yes, we did, BUT.
* At the time AddClient is called, we don't have a resolved host, by here we probably do - which
2020-04-21 06:34:17 +00:00
* may put the user into a totally separate class with different restrictions! so we *must* check again.
* Don't remove this! -- w00t
MyClass = NULL;
if (quitting)
* We don't set REG_ALL until triggering OnUserConnect, so some module events don't spew out stuff
* for a user that doesn't exist yet.
FOREACH_MOD(OnUserConnect, (this));
/* Now registered */
if (ServerInstance->Users->unregistered_count)
this->registered = REG_ALL;
FOREACH_MOD(OnPostConnect, (this));
ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('c',"Client connecting on port %d (class %s): %s (%s) [%s]",
this->server_sa.port(), this->MyClass->name.c_str(), GetFullRealHost().c_str(), this->GetIPString().c_str(), this->GetRealName().c_str());
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("BANCACHE", LOG_DEBUG, "BanCache: Adding NEGATIVE hit for " + this->GetIPString());
ServerInstance->BanCache.AddHit(this->GetIPString(), "", "");
// reset the flood penalty (which could have been raised due to things like auto +x)
CommandFloodPenalty = 0;
void User::InvalidateCache()
/* Invalidate cache */
bool User::ChangeNick(const std::string& newnick, time_t newts)
if (quitting)
2013-04-28 00:32:14 +02:00
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("USERS", LOG_DEFAULT, "ERROR: Attempted to change nick of a quitting user: " + this->nick);
return false;
User* const InUse = ServerInstance->FindNickOnly(newnick);
if (InUse == this)
// case change, don't need to check campers
// and, if it's identical including case, we can leave right now
// We also don't update the nick TS if it's a case change, either
if (newnick == nick)
return true;
* Uh oh.. if the nickname is in use, and it's not in use by the person using it (doh) --
* then we have a potential collide. Check whether someone else is camping on the nick
* (i.e. connect -> send NICK, don't send USER.) If they are camping, force-change the
* camper to their UID, and allow the incoming nick change.
* If the guy using the nick is already using it, tell the incoming nick change to gtfo,
* because the nick is already (rightfully) in use. -- w00t
if (InUse)
if (InUse->registered != REG_ALL)
/* force the camper to their UUID, and ask them to re-send a NICK. */
LocalUser* const localuser = static_cast<LocalUser*>(InUse);
/* No camping, tell the incoming user to stop trying to change nick ;p */
this->WriteNumeric(ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE, newnick, "Nickname is already in use.");
return false;
age = newts ? newts : ServerInstance->Time();
if (this->registered == REG_ALL)
ClientProtocol::Messages::Nick nickmsg(this, newnick);
ClientProtocol::Event nickevent(ServerInstance->GetRFCEvents().nick, nickmsg);
this->WriteCommonRaw(nickevent, true);
const std::string oldnick = nick;
nick = newnick;
ServerInstance->Users->clientlist[newnick] = this;
if (registered == REG_ALL)
FOREACH_MOD(OnUserPostNick, (this,oldnick));
return true;
void LocalUser::OverruleNick()
ClientProtocol::Messages::Nick nickmsg(this, this->uuid);
this->Send(ServerInstance->GetRFCEvents().nick, nickmsg);
this->WriteNumeric(ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE, this->nick, "Nickname overruled.");
// Clear the bit before calling ChangeNick() to make it NOT run the OnUserPostNick() hook
this->registered &= ~REG_NICK;
const std::string& User::GetIPString()
if (cachedip.empty())
cachedip = client_sa.addr();
/* IP addresses starting with a : on irc are a Bad Thing (tm) */
if (cachedip[0] == ':')
return cachedip;
const std::string& User::GetHost(bool uncloak) const
return uncloak ? GetRealHost() : GetDisplayedHost();
const std::string& User::GetDisplayedHost() const
return displayhost.empty() ? realhost : displayhost;
const std::string& User::GetRealHost() const
return realhost;
const std::string& User::GetRealName() const
return realname;
irc::sockets::cidr_mask User::GetCIDRMask()
unsigned char range = 0;
switch (
case AF_INET6:
range = ServerInstance->Config->c_ipv6_range;
case AF_INET:
range = ServerInstance->Config->c_ipv4_range;
return irc::sockets::cidr_mask(client_sa, range);
bool User::SetClientIP(const std::string& address)
2018-09-24 18:25:06 +01:00
irc::sockets::sockaddrs sa;
if (!irc::sockets::aptosa(address, client_sa.port(), sa))
return false;
2018-09-24 18:25:06 +01:00
return true;
void User::SetClientIP(const irc::sockets::sockaddrs& sa)
2018-09-24 18:25:06 +01:00
const std::string oldip(GetIPString());
memcpy(&client_sa, &sa, sizeof(irc::sockets::sockaddrs));
2018-09-24 18:25:06 +01:00
// If the users hostname was their IP then update it.
if (GetRealHost() == oldip)
ChangeRealHost(GetIPString(), false);
if (GetDisplayedHost() == oldip)
bool LocalUser::SetClientIP(const std::string& address)
irc::sockets::sockaddrs sa;
2018-09-24 18:25:06 +01:00
if (!irc::sockets::aptosa(address, client_sa.port(), sa))
return false;
return true;
void LocalUser::SetClientIP(const irc::sockets::sockaddrs& sa)
if (sa == client_sa)
// Recheck the connect class.
this->MyClass = NULL;
if (!quitting)
FOREACH_MOD(OnSetUserIP, (this));
void LocalUser::Write(const ClientProtocol::SerializedMessage& text)
if (!SocketEngine::BoundsCheckFd(&eh))
if (ServerInstance->Config->RawLog)
if (text.empty())
std::string::size_type nlpos = text.find_first_of("\r\n", 0, 2);
if (nlpos == std::string::npos)
nlpos = text.length(); // TODO is this ok, test it
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("USEROUTPUT", LOG_RAWIO, "C[%s] O %.*s", uuid.c_str(), (int) nlpos, text.c_str());
const size_t bytessent = text.length() + 2;
ServerInstance->stats.Sent += bytessent;
this->bytes_out += bytessent;
void LocalUser::Send(ClientProtocol::Event& protoev)
if (!serializer)
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("USERS", LOG_DEBUG, "BUG: LocalUser::Send() called on %s who does not have a serializer!",
// In the most common case a static LocalUser field, sendmsglist, is passed to the event to be
// populated. The list is cleared before returning.
// To handle re-enters, if sendmsglist is non-empty upon entering the method then a temporary
// list is used instead of the static one.
if (sendmsglist.empty())
Send(protoev, sendmsglist);
ClientProtocol::MessageList msglist;
Send(protoev, msglist);
void LocalUser::Send(ClientProtocol::Event& protoev, ClientProtocol::MessageList& msglist)
2016-02-25 15:25:02 +01:00
// Modules can personalize the messages sent per user for the event
protoev.GetMessagesForUser(this, msglist);
for (ClientProtocol::MessageList::const_iterator i = msglist.begin(); i != msglist.end(); ++i)
2016-02-25 15:25:02 +01:00
ClientProtocol::Message& curr = **i;
ModResult res;
FIRST_MOD_RESULT(OnUserWrite, res, (this, curr));
if (res != MOD_RES_DENY)
Write(serializer->SerializeForUser(this, curr));
2016-02-25 15:25:02 +01:00
void User::WriteNumeric(const Numeric::Numeric& numeric)
LocalUser* const localuser = IS_LOCAL(this);
if (!localuser)
FIRST_MOD_RESULT(OnNumeric, MOD_RESULT, (this, numeric));
ClientProtocol::Messages::Numeric numericmsg(numeric, localuser);
localuser->Send(ServerInstance->GetRFCEvents().numeric, numericmsg);
void User::WriteRemoteNotice(const std::string& text)
ServerInstance->PI->SendMessage(this, text, MSG_NOTICE);
void LocalUser::WriteRemoteNotice(const std::string& text)
class WriteCommonRawHandler : public User::ForEachNeighborHandler
ClientProtocol::Event& ev;
void Execute(LocalUser* user) CXX11_OVERRIDE
WriteCommonRawHandler(ClientProtocol::Event& protoev)
: ev(protoev)
void User::WriteCommonRaw(ClientProtocol::Event& protoev, bool include_self)
WriteCommonRawHandler handler(protoev);
ForEachNeighbor(handler, include_self);
already_sent_t User::ForEachNeighbor(ForEachNeighborHandler& handler, bool include_self)
2015-01-24 14:49:10 +01:00
// The basic logic for visiting the neighbors of a user is to iterate the channel list of the user
// and visit all users on those channels. Because two users may share more than one common channel,
// we must skip users that we have already visited.
// To do this, we make use of a global counter and an integral 'already_sent' field in LocalUser.
// The global counter is incremented every time we do something for each neighbor of a user. Then,
// before visiting a member we examine user->already_sent. If it's equal to the current counter, we
// skip the member. Otherwise, we set it to the current counter and visit the member.
// Ask modules to build a list of exceptions.
// Mods may also exclude entire channels by erasing them from include_chans.
IncludeChanList include_chans(chans.begin(), chans.end());
std::map<User*, bool> exceptions;
exceptions[this] = include_self;
FOREACH_MOD(OnBuildNeighborList, (this, include_chans, exceptions));
// Get next id, guaranteed to differ from the already_sent field of all users
const already_sent_t newid = ServerInstance->Users.NextAlreadySentId();
2015-01-24 14:49:10 +01:00
// Handle exceptions first
for (std::map<User*, bool>::const_iterator i = exceptions.begin(); i != exceptions.end(); ++i)
LocalUser* curr = IS_LOCAL(i->first);
if (curr)
// Mark as visited to ensure we won't visit again if there is a common channel
curr->already_sent = newid;
// Always treat quitting users as excluded
if ((i->second) && (!curr->quitting))
// Now consider the real neighbors
for (IncludeChanList::const_iterator i = include_chans.begin(); i != include_chans.end(); ++i)
Channel* chan = (*i)->chan;
const Channel::MemberMap& userlist = chan->GetUsers();
for (Channel::MemberMap::const_iterator j = userlist.begin(); j != userlist.end(); ++j)
LocalUser* curr = IS_LOCAL(j->first);
// User not yet visited?
if ((curr) && (curr->already_sent != newid))
// Mark as visited and execute function
curr->already_sent = newid;
return newid;
2015-01-24 14:49:10 +01:00
void User::WriteRemoteNumeric(const Numeric::Numeric& numeric)
/* return 0 or 1 depending if users u and u2 share one or more common channels
* (used by QUIT, NICK etc which arent channel specific notices)
* The old algorithm in 1.0 for this was relatively inefficient, iterating over
* the first users channels then the second users channels within the outer loop,
* therefore it was a maximum of x*y iterations (upon returning 0 and checking
* all possible iterations). However this new function instead checks against the
* channel's userlist in the inner loop which is a std::map<User*,User*>
* and saves us time as we already know what pointer value we are after.
* Don't quote me on the maths as i am not a mathematician or computer scientist,
* but i believe this algorithm is now x+(log y) maximum iterations instead.
bool User::SharesChannelWith(User *other)
/* Outer loop */
for (User::ChanList::iterator i = this->chans.begin(); i != this->chans.end(); ++i)
/* Eliminate the inner loop (which used to be ~equal in size to the outer loop)
* by replacing it with a map::find which *should* be more efficient
if ((*i)->chan->HasUser(other))
return true;
return false;
bool User::ChangeRealName(const std::string& real)
if (!this->
return true;
if (IS_LOCAL(this))
FIRST_MOD_RESULT(OnPreChangeRealName, MOD_RESULT, (IS_LOCAL(this), real));
return false;
FOREACH_MOD(OnChangeRealName, (this, real));
this->realname.assign(real, 0, ServerInstance->Config->Limits.MaxReal);
return true;
bool User::ChangeDisplayedHost(const std::string& shost)
if (GetDisplayedHost() == shost)
return true;
LocalUser* luser = IS_LOCAL(this);
if (luser)
FIRST_MOD_RESULT(OnPreChangeHost, MOD_RESULT, (luser, shost));
return false;
FOREACH_MOD(OnChangeHost, (this,shost));
if (realhost == shost)
this->displayhost.assign(shost, 0, ServerInstance->Config->Limits.MaxHost);
if (IS_LOCAL(this) && this->registered != REG_NONE)
this->WriteNumeric(RPL_YOURDISPLAYEDHOST, this->GetDisplayedHost(), "is now your displayed host");
return true;
void User::ChangeRealHost(const std::string& host, bool resetdisplay)
// If the real host is the new host and we are not resetting the
// display host then we have nothing to do.
const bool changehost = (realhost != host);
if (!changehost && !resetdisplay)
// If the displayhost is not set and we are not resetting it then
// we need to copy it to the displayhost field.
if (displayhost.empty() && !resetdisplay)
displayhost = realhost;
// If the displayhost is the new host or we are resetting it then
// we clear its contents to save memory.
else if (displayhost == host || resetdisplay)
// If we are just resetting the display host then we don't need to
// do anything else.
if (!changehost)
// Don't call the OnChangeRealHost event when initialising a user.
const bool initializing = realhost.empty();
if (!initializing)
FOREACH_MOD(OnChangeRealHost, (this, host));
realhost = host;
// Don't call the OnPostChangeRealHost event when initialising a user.
if (!this->quitting && !initializing)
FOREACH_MOD(OnPostChangeRealHost, (this));
bool User::ChangeIdent(const std::string& newident)
if (this->ident == newident)
return true;
FOREACH_MOD(OnChangeIdent, (this,newident));
this->ident.assign(newident, 0, ServerInstance->Config->Limits.IdentMax);
return true;
* Sets a user's connection class.
* If the class name is provided, it will be used. Otherwise, the class will be guessed using host/ip/ident/etc.
* NOTE: If the <ALLOW> or <DENY> tag specifies an ip, and this user resolves,
* then their ip will be taken as 'priority' anyway, so for example,
* <connect allow=""> will match joe!bloggs@localhost
void LocalUser::SetClass(const std::string &explicit_name)
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("CONNECTCLASS", LOG_DEBUG, "Setting connect class for %s (%s) ...",
this->uuid.c_str(), this->GetFullRealHost().c_str());
ConnectClass *found = NULL;
if (!explicit_name.empty())
for (ServerConfig::ClassVector::const_iterator i = ServerInstance->Config->Classes.begin(); i != ServerInstance->Config->Classes.end(); ++i)
ConnectClass* c = *i;
if (explicit_name == c->name)
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("CONNECTCLASS", LOG_DEBUG, "Connect class explicitly set to %s",
found = c;
for (ServerConfig::ClassVector::const_iterator i = ServerInstance->Config->Classes.begin(); i != ServerInstance->Config->Classes.end(); ++i)
ConnectClass* c = *i;
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("CONNECTCLASS", LOG_DEBUG, "Checking the %s connect class ...",
FIRST_MOD_RESULT(OnSetConnectClass, MOD_RESULT, (this,c));
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("CONNECTCLASS", LOG_DEBUG, "The %s connect class was explicitly chosen by a module",
found = c;
if (c->type == CC_NAMED)
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("CONNECTCLASS", LOG_DEBUG, "The %s connect class is not suitable as neither <connect:allow> nor <connect:deny> are set",
bool regdone = (registered != REG_NONE);
if (c->config->getBool("registered", regdone) != regdone)
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("CONNECTCLASS", LOG_DEBUG, "The %s connect class is not suitable as it requires that the user is %s",
c->GetName().c_str(), regdone ? "not fully connected" : "fully connected");
bool hostmatches = false;
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator host = c->GetHosts().begin(); host != c->GetHosts().end(); ++host)
if (InspIRCd::MatchCIDR(this->GetIPString(), *host) || InspIRCd::MatchCIDR(this->GetRealHost(), *host))
hostmatches = true;
if (!hostmatches)
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("CONNECTCLASS", LOG_DEBUG, "The %s connect class is not suitable as neither the host (%s) nor the IP (%s) matches %s",
c->GetName().c_str(), this->GetRealHost().c_str(), this->GetIPString().c_str(), c->GetHost().c_str());
* deny change if change will take class over the limit check it HERE, not after we found a matching class,
* because we should attempt to find another class if this one doesn't match us. -- w00t
if (c->limit && (c->GetReferenceCount() >= c->limit))
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("CONNECTCLASS", LOG_DEBUG, "The %s connect class is not suitable as it has reached its user limit (%lu)",
c->GetName().c_str(), c->limit);
/* if it requires a port and our port doesn't match, fail */
if (!c->ports.empty() && !c->ports.count(this->server_sa.port()))
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("CONNECTCLASS", LOG_DEBUG, "The %s connect class is not suitable as the connection port (%d) is not any of %s",
c->GetName().c_str(), this->server_sa.port(), stdalgo::string::join(c->ports).c_str());
if (regdone && !c->password.empty() && !ServerInstance->PassCompare(this, c->password, password, c->passwordhash))
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("CONNECTCLASS", LOG_DEBUG, "The %s connect class is not suitable as requires a password and %s",
c->GetName().c_str(), password.empty() ? "one was not provided" : "the provided password was incorrect");
/* we stop at the first class that meets ALL criteria. */
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("CONNECTCLASS", LOG_DEBUG, "The %s connect class is suitable for %s (%s)",
c->GetName().c_str(), this->uuid.c_str(), this->GetFullRealHost().c_str());
found = c;
* Okay, assuming we found a class that matches.. switch us into that class, keeping refcounts up to date.
if (found)
MyClass = found;
void User::PurgeEmptyChannels()
// firstly decrement the count on each channel
for (User::ChanList::iterator i = this->chans.begin(); i != this->chans.end(); )
Channel* c = (*i)->chan;
void User::WriteNotice(const std::string& text)
LocalUser* const localuser = IS_LOCAL(this);
if (!localuser)
ClientProtocol::Messages::Privmsg msg(ClientProtocol::Messages::Privmsg::nocopy, ServerInstance->FakeClient, localuser, text, MSG_NOTICE);
localuser->Send(ServerInstance->GetRFCEvents().privmsg, msg);
const std::string& FakeUser::GetFullHost()
return server->GetPublicName();
const std::string& FakeUser::GetFullRealHost()
return server->GetPublicName();
ConnectClass::ConnectClass(ConfigTag* tag, char t, const std::string& mask)
: config(tag)
, host(mask)
, name("unnamed")
, type(t)
, fakelag(true)
, maxconnwarn(true)
, resolvehostnames(true)
, uniqueusername(false)
, maxchans(0)
, penaltythreshold(0)
, pingtime(0)
, registration_timeout(0)
, commandrate(0)
, hardsendqmax(0)
, limit(0)
, maxglobal(0)
, maxlocal(0)
, recvqmax(0)
, softsendqmax(0)
irc::spacesepstream hoststream(host);
for (std::string hostentry; hoststream.GetToken(hostentry); )
ConnectClass::ConnectClass(ConfigTag* tag, char t, const std::string& mask, const ConnectClass& parent)
name = "unnamed";
type = t;
host = mask;
irc::spacesepstream hoststream(host);
for (std::string hostentry; hoststream.GetToken(hostentry); )
// Connect classes can inherit from each other but this is problematic for modules which can't use
// ConnectClass::Update so we build a hybrid tag containing all of the values set on this class as
// well as the parent class.
ConfigItems* items = NULL;
config = ConfigTag::create(tag->tag, tag->src_name, tag->src_line, items);
const ConfigItems& parentkeys = parent.config->getItems();
for (ConfigItems::const_iterator piter = parentkeys.begin(); piter != parentkeys.end(); ++piter)
// The class name and parent name are not inherited
if (stdalgo::string::equalsci(piter->first, "name") || stdalgo::string::equalsci(piter->first, "parent"))
// Store the item in the config tag. If this item also
// exists in the child it will be overwritten.
(*items)[piter->first] = piter->second;
const ConfigItems& childkeys = tag->getItems();
for (ConfigItems::const_iterator citer = childkeys.begin(); citer != childkeys.end(); ++citer)
// This will overwrite the parent value if present.
(*items)[citer->first] = citer->second;
void ConnectClass::Update(const ConnectClass* src)
config = src->config;
host = src->host;
hosts = src->hosts;
name = src->name;
password = src->password;
passwordhash = src->passwordhash;
ports = src->ports;
type = src->type;
fakelag = src->fakelag;
maxconnwarn = src->maxconnwarn;
resolvehostnames = src->resolvehostnames;
uniqueusername = src->uniqueusername;
maxchans = src->maxchans;
penaltythreshold = src->penaltythreshold;
pingtime = src->pingtime;
registration_timeout = src->registration_timeout;
commandrate = src->commandrate;
hardsendqmax = src->hardsendqmax;
limit = src->limit;
maxglobal = src->maxglobal;
maxlocal = src->maxlocal;
recvqmax = src->recvqmax;
softsendqmax = src->softsendqmax;